“ Hi, I'm Dieko and the same department” He said stretching his hand for a handshake which I took

“ Wuraoluwa” I responded with a smile.

“ Wow, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you” He replied with a broad smile

“Thank you” I said with a big smile

“ Dieko, are you hitting on my friend” Steph said with a frown on her face although she was joking

“ Not at all, I was just appreciating her beauty” Dieko replied

“ Your name means Gold in Yoruba, right?” He asked.

“ Yes, Wuraoluwa means God's Gold” I responded with a proud smile, I'm always proud of my name.

The hall became noisy again after the administrator said something I didn't hear. I was busy checking my not-so-many WhatsApp messages because everyone was doing something on their phone, so I decided to tag along. I asked Steph what the woman addressing us said

“ She said we must be involved in extracurricular activities” Steph replied

“ Which extracurricular activities” I asked

“ She hasn't mentioned it because of the noise” Steph replied and The administrator waited for the noise to die down before she spoke again.

“ You are to either be involved in Sports, Music, or creative arts like painting, drawing and so on” She said and Steph squealed beside me

“ I'm definitely going for Sports” She said excitedly

“Which sport” I asked

“ Basketball, what of you?” She asked.

“ Probably Music, I don't think I can do well in sports. I can draw but I think I want to learn something new” I said and she pouted.

“ What did she say before I came” I asked

“ The regular be a good student boring story” She said and I smiled.

“ I can't kill myself, I'm an average student and I don't plan to leave here with a first-class degree” She said and I laughed

“ But looking at you, you are probably a straight A's student, so you may dream of leaving here with a first-class degree” She continued

“ Do I look like that?” I asked with a smile

" I don't know but that's what my mind is telling me” She said with a smile.

“ I'm not that smart, I study very hard for my exams” I said

“You see” She said with a mischievous smile

“What” I asked

“ I'm hungry oo, these people should finish their talk and let us go” Steph said and I remembered that I hadn't eaten anything today, if Granny hears about this, she will probably scream in frustration.

“ After this orientation, where do you plan to go” I asked

"I planned to locate some of our course mates and cajole them to vote for me but right now, I'm so hungry, so I think I will eat first” Steph replied and dipped her hand into her fancy handbag fetching out two chocolate bars, she extended one to me but I politely declined.

“ Why don't you want to take it because we are just meeting each other right?" She asked.

“ It's not that” I said

“ I did not poison it nor do I want to initiate you as our parents will always warn us while we were children not to take things from strangers that some want to initiate us into witchcraft” She said and made a terrified gesture and I laughed.

“ It's my favourite chocolate and I'm giving you because I know you are probably hungry” She said, so I took the chocolate from her and it tasted so exquisite. The orientation went on and on for hours that I was glad I took the chocolate from her because I could have collapsed from hunger. Stephanie kept on fetching chocolates and cookies from her handbag that felt like a Father Christmas bag to me.

After the orientation, we headed to one of the school's canteens to get something to eat. I ordered Jollof rice and beef with a bottle of water, Steph also requested the same thing I ordered and while we were waiting for our meals someone hugged Steph from behind and we turned to look at the person, Surprised, it was the person who directed me to the hall earlier in the morning.

He didn't notice me immediately because He and Steph were in their world, they looked very close.

“ Your order is here” The waiter said and I turned to take my order and also called Steph to take hers, she didn't hear me at first so I had to place my tray on the counter to tap her.

“Your tray” I said when she turned to me, it was then he noticed me

“ I have seen you today” He said, trying to remember where he met me.

“ Tife meet my friend and bunkmate, Wura meet my brother” Steph introduced and I smiled at him

“ Oh, I remember you are the girl with the perfect dentition” He said startled and I smiled shyly. I don't know why they keep saying that.

“ Thank you for helping locate the hall” I said with a broad smile.

“ You guys have met” Steph asked us and I nodded

“ I got lost on my way to the hall so he helped me find my way” I said very appreciatively

“ My brother is so caring” She replied with a pout.

“ Fortress is a small place” He replied

“ Yet, I got lost” I said and we laughed.

“So I will see you around, my sister is a handful so don't let her disturb you” Tife said to me

“ What level is your brother” I asked Steph when he left

“ 300 level, he is studying Economics” She replied

“ Wow, He is studying Economics and you are studying Accounting, why are you guys in the commercial line” I asked

“ Well, We both grew up with this business-oriented mind, my parents are business people and we have many industries across Nigeria so maybe because of the environment we grew up in, we both wanted to study commercial courses and my brother believes Economics is better and I also believe Accounting is better” She said and concluded with a smile

“ That's massive” I replied

“ Are you the firstborn?” She asked

“ No, I'm the only child” I said with a smile

“ Really, how does it feel” I asked

“ Boring, very boring” I drawled and she laughed

“ I always wished I could have a younger sibling because it is just my brother and me but I guess it is better than having none” She said and we laughed.

After we finished our meal she asked me if I could follow her to meet other coursemates, she is keen on being the class representative, I didn't want to tag along but I guessed it was better for me to make new friends. By the time we got back to the hostel, I had saved many new contacts on my phone.

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