Chapter Two

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I woke up late the next morning, I have been praying to God for a long time now to deliver me from the spirit of oversleeping.

Promise told me my alarm blared earlier this morning but of course, I was too asleep to hear it, and they didn't wake me until after thirty minutes to the time set for our orientation.

So, right now, I'm walking and at the same time jogging. I would rather not run so as not to draw attention to myself. Stephanie had left earlier, and she promised to keep a seat for me, so I will just locate her when I get to the hall she tried explaining to me but from her explanation, I know there is no way I will get there without getting lost so the best thing for me right now is to ask for direction.

I tried looking around for a friendly face to ask, I saw some girls walking around me, so I tried calling them but I guess they didn't hear me, so I dejectedly continued my search for a friendly face.

“Hey” I heard a voice say behind me, I turned and saw a handsome smartly dressed guy.

“Hi” I said quietly but with a smile

“ You are a fresher, right?” He asked, please can someone tell me, did I place a fresher banner on my forehead? I looked at him intently, he didn't look like a fresher.

“ Yes, I'm lost” I said hurriedly because I was running late.

“ Okay, Where are you going” He asked, and I told him where I was going and he offered to direct me there.

“ What department are you” He asked while we were walking

“Accounting department” I answered

“ Wow, you are kind of studying my rival course” He said with an amused smile.

“ Rival course?” I asked with a tilt of the head and he laughed a little before responding.

“ Don't mind us, it is just a bone of contention between Economics students and Accounting students of which one is better” He responded

“ Wow, In that case, Accounting is better” I replied with a smile and he laughed

“ We are there” He said as we got to the front of a large green hall.

“ Thank you so much” I said happily

“ You are welcome” He replied, and I started walking towards the hall. It was when I got into the hall, I remembered we hadn't even bothered to know our names.

When I got inside, the orientation was already going on, and I was glad everywhere was noisily when I got in, I quickly located Stephanie where she was seated with some unfamiliar faces and some I met yesterday evening when I followed Stephanie to meet some course mates.

“ Why is everyone shouting” I asked, nudging Stephanie's shoulder.

“ Because she said we must learn a language other than English” She responded

“ You are to pick either French or Chinese for the students in other Faculties, besides Arts. Here at Fortress University we want you to be distinguished students worldwide but these language courses won't have any effect on your GPA but if you fail any you will have to retake the course…” She was saying, almost screaming because of the protests around her.

“ Can you imagine, I'm not cut in for all this unnecessary stress," I said with a frown. It's difficult to learn a language.

“ Honestly, we just resumed but I'm already tired of school” Stephanie said and we laughed.

“ Can I call you Steph?” I asked?

“ Yes, sure thing" She responded

“ Is she also in our department?” A dark-skinned guy asked Steph, he was referring to me, so I nodded. He is one of the unfamiliar faces seated with Steph.

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