Chapter 5

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Davina's POV:
I arrive at the Mikaelson's mansion as I walk up towards the door, just before knocking on it.  A few moments later, Klaus opens the door. "Hello love, may I help you?" He says as I scoff. "You bitch" I say through gritted teeth as he raises an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" He questioned just before I use my magic to throw him back against a wall, holding him there as I walk inside. "You are such a dick!" I yell as I drop him on the floor. Just as he starts to stand up, I use my magic
To hold him against the ground. "I should've killed you when I had the chance." I say as I tighten the pressure on him.

"How dare you... come into MY HOME and THREATEN ME!!!!" He screams as he somehow breaks through my magic, standing himself up. My eyes widen as I look at him before using magic throwing him across the wall. "You mean like how you THREATENED ME?!?" I scream as I walk over to him.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" He asks standing up. "I know everything Klaus. You're a pathetic sad excuse of a person." I say with a look of disgust in my eyes. "What is going on down here?" I hear Elijah speak as I turn around seeing him stare at me and Klaus.

"Davina? What are you doing here?" He questions as I scoff. "This has nothing to do with you so stay out of it." I say, turning back to Klaus. "You're bloody insane" Klaus says as he stares at me. "Really? I'm the insane one?" I say letting out a laugh just before I throw him across the room once more.

"That's it" I hear Klaus mutter and before I know it he stands up, vamping towards me just before he suddenly gets thrown back. "Watch it, Nik." Kol says as I'm stood staring at his back as he's standing in front of me. "Get out of my way Kol" Klaus says as he stands up staring deadly at kol.

"Not a chance in hell" Kol spat at him as Klaus scoffs. "Of course you side with her." Klaus says. "What does that mean?" Kol asks in an angry tone. "It means there you go again siding with the enemy!!" Klaus yelled. "Brothers, this is enough." Elijah says but everyone just flat out ignores him.

"Davina is not the enemy, Nik!" Kol yells as Klaus lets out a scoff. "She attacked me! And you side with her! The girl you shouldn't be with!!" Klaus shouted at Kol, and I could tell Kol was becoming angry as he clenched his fists. "Watch your tone, Nik." Kol said through gritted teeth.

"Or what?" Klaus said, just as Kol vamp sped
To him, shoving him against a wall. "Or I will rip you apart so fast you won't even have a chance to blink" Kol threatened towards Klaus as Klaus just snickered. "Enough! Both of you!" Elijah shouted as we all looked at him.

"Now why doesn't someone fill me in on what's going on?" Elijah asks as Klaus steps up. "I don't bloody know! This psychotic little witch just showed up on our doorstep and started attacking me!" Klaus yelled as I scoffed.

"Davina, your story." Elijah said as I rolled my eyes, uncrossing my arms. "I have nothing to explain to any of you." I say before starting to walk away just as Kol grabbed my arm, making sure he doesn't grab too hard. "Meet me outside" he whispered to me as i looked at him.

Once Kol let go of my  arm, i looked away as i walked outside, Kol following behind me. "What happened?" Kol asks concerned as he walks up to me. "Caroline told me." I say just as I sigh turning around to face him. "Told you what?" He asked.

"That Klaus threatened me." I say to him. He lets out a sigh as he begins to talk. "Did she say anything else?" He asks as I nod. "Said that Klaus has some werewolf knocked up, and that's why you all left." I say with a slight sigh.

"That's not why I left, Davina." He says to me. "I don't care why you left, you still did. And I've moved on, it doesn't bother anymore." I say just before Kol starts walking closer to me. "Really? You don't think about me anymore? Because there hasn't been a day or night I haven't thought about you." He says in a soft tone, as he slightly strokes my cheek with his fingers.

"Kol-" I start but I get cut off by his lips touching mine. I close my eyes as I return the kiss for just a second, before pulling away. "Kol I can't." I say backing away. "Why Davina?" He asks me. "I can't get hurt again." I say making him sigh. "I never wanted to hurt you, Davina. I left because of Klaus. He threatened you, I couldn't just stay and hope he leaves you alone. I wanted to stay so bad, and if it weren't for his threats, I would have stayed, and helped you raise our beautiful daughter."

My eyes widen at the last thing he says. "Wh-What?" I stutter. "Caroline accidentally let it slip earlier." He says making me frown. "Davina, I want to be here for you, and our daughter." He says. "And what if you leave again?" I ask with crossed arms.

"I won't. I swear." He said in a sincere voice making me sigh. "I can't trust you, Kol. You left once before, who's to say you won't do it again?" I asked, trying not to make eye contact with him. He slowly starts walking towards me, causing me to look up at him as he's only inches from me face.

"Davina, I never wanted to leave you." He spoke in a soft tone as a tear trickles down my cheek. "I-I can't trust you anymore, Kol." My voice cracked saying that. I wanted to trust him, more than anything.... But I can't go through that heart break again. Nor do I want Harper going through it.

"Davina.... Please. Just one more chance." He pleads making me sigh, looking down as I close my eyes for a second. "I'll uh, I'll think about it." I say softly before turning around and quickly walking away before he can say another word.

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