Chapter 3

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I have decided to write this story as a Klaroline AND Kolvina mix!!!

•2 Days Later•

Davina's POV:
It's been two days since I last heard from or seen Kol, which I'm relieved about. I do not need that drama, nor does Harper. Harper is my baby girl, she is the light of my life, and as much as I want Kol to know about his daughter, I can't just tell him. It's too much for me.

"Mommy!" I hear coming from the other room. "I'm coming baby" I say as I enter the living room, walking to the front door. "What is it honey?" I ask before she points to the man standing in my doorway. "This man says he's looking for you mommy" she says as I look up, and I freeze seeing Kol standing there.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I ask angrily at him as he lets out a sigh. "Who's this?" He asks completely ignoring my question making me scoff as I turn to Harper, kneeling down to her level. "Sweetie, you know you're not supposed to open the door. We've talked about this. Now why don't you go play in your room and I'll check on you in a bit?" I suggest, smiling down at her.

"Okay mommy!" She says cheerfully as she runs up the stairs. "No running!" I shout making her instantly stop and starts walking as I sigh and turn back to Kol, standing back on my feet. "You have a daughter?" He asks making me nod. "Yes I do. Now why are you here? I made it specifically clear I didn't want to see you." I say crossing my arms as he just sighs.

"What's her name?" He asks completely dodging my questions and it's really pissing me off. "None of your business" I simply say. "How old is she?" He asks making me scoff and roll my eyes. "Goodbye Kol" I say before I start shutting the door only for him to put his foot in the doorway. "Davina I just want to talk. Please." He says as I let out a groan. "Fine. You have 5 minutes." I say opening the door as he walks in.

He turns to me as I shut the door. "Speak" I say to him. "Davina, I never wanted to leave, I swear I didn't. I loved you, I still do! I had to go, Davina. My family was in danger." He says making me scoff. "You know, it's funny." I say to him as he raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asks. "You didn't have to go, Kol. You chose to. And you complain about how you're always left out of your family or whatever, but the second they're in danger, you'll harm anyone who comes in your way." I say angrily, trying to keep my calm because all I wanted to do was scream at him!

"Davina that is not fair!" He shouts at me. "It is fair Kol! You left! I moved on! And I may hate your family, especially Your lunatic brother, but at least he had the decency to come back for Caroline." I say making him scoff. "I tried! I tried to come back for you! You shut me out!!" He yells. "Because you should've never left!!!!!" I scream as him.

"Mommy" I hear a small scared voice making me turn around as I sigh seeing my daughter standing on the stairs. I walk over to the stairs, taking her little hands in mine. "It's okay baby, I'm sorry we scared you. He was just leaving." I say to Harper before looking at Kol. "Goodbye Kol" I say narrowing my eyes at him as he sighs. "This conversation is not over." He says walking to the door, opening it.

"I'll be back" he says leaving the door making me sigh as I look back at Harper. "How about a movie and some popcorn?" I ask her as I see a huge smile on her face. "Can we watch frozen?" She asks excitedly making me chuckle. "Of course!" I say back to her.

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