Chapter 1: Conference Talk and The Outcomes

Start from the beginning

"Of course. But please wait. There shouldn't be any country located in such a place. Certainly, that sea region had an island group and chaotic sea current. Some of the islands indeed had villages, so did those villages gather and form a country?" asked Rinsui.

"NO. This is because back in our world, our countries are separated into different continents. The United Kingdom, my country, is located European continent and has a total land area of 242,495 km². Malaysia and Singapore are located in the same location; Southeast Asia. Malaysia has a total land area of 329,847 km² while Singapore has 728.6 km² of total land area. So do Australia and New Zealand, where they were on the Oceania continent, Australia is 7.692 million km² wide and New Zealand is 268,021 km² wide. To sum up, the countries of the FPDA were located in different places before we were mysteriously teleported here," explained Harry.

Rinsui, Kanata, and other Qua-Toynian staff were bewildered by the size of the land that Harry mentioned. Certainly, the countries of the FPDA were plenty vast for a country, but he had never heard any report about the discovery of countries that enormous. Rinsui took this opportunity to pursue Harry's words.

"Certainly, we had received that kind of report in the government conference. But, for five countries to be transferred... Just how much mana is needed is beyond my imagination. I'm sorry but rather than a fairy tale, I only could hear your story as a tall and bull story," said Rinsui.

Unable to watch Rinsui vacillate in his reply, Kanata forced himself into the conversation.

"Diplomats of the FPDA, what do you desire from initiating diplomatic relations with our country? Surely it wasn't only for sightseeing," asked Kanata. 

After a brief silence, Amanda slowly began to speak. 

"The foremost is food. Then, the natural resource. Furthermore, we entirely don't know anything about this world. So we hope to be informed as much as possible about this world," explained her.

"Oh, so it's food!" exclaimed Rinsui. 

"Yes, we like you to provide food as much as possible. The food requirement of our country is enormous. Of course, we don't think it could be managed just by your country alone, so we will also perform food procurement negotiation with other countries too," said Ella. 

"You say that our country is the first contact since the countries of the FPDA got transferred here?" asked Kanata. 

"Yes. This visit is our first diplomatic activity since the transfer with me with us representing all five countries," said Adham.

"Then all of your homelands are fortunate. No, perhaps it is blessed by the Gods. Our country received a blessing from the Goddess of the Land. All kinds of crops and vegetables grow even without any special care. No matter how big the food requirement of your countries, I believe our country could considerably satisfy most of it," praised Kanata. 

The face of the FPDA's delegation became brighter to the point they even considerably loosened their shoulders. 

"Then, the countries of the FPDA will immediately conduct preparation for the delegation. We will meet again on the settled date," said Rinsui. 

"I understand. Foreign Minister, please make preparations as fast as possible. The delegation will be given the power to some extent as an ambassador," said Kanata.

Qua-Toyne Principality decided to dispatch a delegation to inspect the countries of the FPDA for 5 days, starting with Malaysia, then Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. If everything seems to satisfy the representatives, then diplomatic relations should be made between the two sides.

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