Fever in Alaska - Reader/Avengers

Start from the beginning

The cottage was eventually in sight. (Y/N) had no clue how long it had taken to get there and hadn't noticed the multitude of trees and landmarks they'd passed. She only saw relief in the form of a thatched roof and overgrown garden. Bruce and Thor were out the front, the former with a slight frown and the latter grinning and waving wildly. They'd been left behind as backup, seeing as this was meant to be a quiet mission.

Bruce jogged up to the group, Thor close behind and made the thinnest change in course when (Y/N) scowled at him, to speak to Tony instead.

They had a whispered conversation, quick and worried as (Y/N) continued plodding towards the cottage. She heard them say 'she' a lot but paid it no mind, deciding that the sooner she could claim a bed and get some sleep, the better.

The nausea and shivers from earlier hadn't abided at all, but (Y/N) hadn't vomited again so she figured she would be ok. She just needed some rest and for the other Avengers not to worry about her. If they did, it would be quite the achievement to convince them she was fine again and (Y/N) just did not have the energy.

Unfortunately, Bruce reached her just as she was about to follow Clint inside. "(Y/N)! Hey! Tony said you weren't feeling too great."

(Y/N) shrugged. Couldn't they leave her alone? She just wanted some sleep.

"Yeah, yeah I get that," the scientist responded. (Y/N) gave him a small smile and stepped inside. There was a moth-eaten, once red couch which the youngest Avenger considered for a moment, before Natasha's hand on her shoulder and a cold glare let her fall into it. It was surprisingly comfortable and sank under her weight. Bruce sat down heavily beside (Y/N) and she felt herself move up a centimetre or two.

"So, (Y/N), what am I working with here?"

"Nothing, Bruce. Please, I just need some sleep and everything will be okay," (Y/N) responded. She didn't want- didn't need this but Bruce (and (Y/N)'s palid features) disagreed.

"Alright, how about we let you sleep, undisturbed, for as long as you like if you tell me how you're feeling," Clint offered. Bruce frowned at him but (Y/N) had a feeling the archer would uphold his proposal.


Clint gave a sloppy grin, "Would I lie to you?"

"Don't answer that," said a Russian tinted accent from the kitchen. (Y/N) changed on her mind on whether Clint would do as he promised.

"I don't believe you," (Y/N) replied flatly, "and I feel fine, just tired so leave me alone." And with that, the youngest Avenger exited the main room and padded over to one of the camper beds set up Bruce and Thor.

Bruce raised his hand to his forehead and let out a frustrated sigh. "No luck, Brucie?" Tony asked, seeing only the heel of (Y/N)'s ankle as she left.

"None at all."


(Y/N) did not feel good. She was cold and dizzy and just wanted to go home. The camper bed was fine, she supposed, but she'd like nothing better than to be huddled in her own bed at the Tower. She had almost fallen back into her fitful sleep, Natasha's quiet breaths a comforting background sound when something felt terribly wrong.

The young woman bolted upright and began vomiting over the side of her bed.

"I knew it!" Natasha hissed, instantly awake as (Y/N) kept vomiting. There was no hiding it this time, she thought to herself. In the murky forest darkness, (Y/N) allowed Natasha to hold back her hair as she continued vomiting and remained hunched over the all too conveniently placed bucket.

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