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 A/N: ! Enjoy! And remember to vote and comment on what you think of it! Comments make me happy and I update faster with motivation!

“Kat, we need to talk.” I said walking up to her at lunch.

“Hey, Gabry.. Why wouldn't we talk?” My best friend smiled at me.

“Yeah... I've got a big problem....” I slumped into a chair next to her.

“Which would be? You failed your Bio test? Don't go crazy because of that. You can always retake it and you will get an A and beyond anyway. You do this all the time and then you pass! You're a genius... Oh. Don't worry about it -”

I looked over at my rambling friend. I covered her mouth with my hand. “Kit?”

“Huh?” She asked through my hand.

“Shut up.”

She shrugged and scooched in closer to me. “Well, if you're not obsessing over your grades, what could it possibly be?” She looked at her hot pink nails unimpressed with my unknown problem. Kit was the one girl who had a lot of friends, but I was her best friend.

“I'm pregnant.”

“Yeah right. You shouldn't lie about that crap, Gabry.” She looked up at me, "is it April Fool's Day or something?"

I looked at her hurt. “You don't believe me?”

She looked up at me. “Who have you had sex with?” She looked slightly disgusted.

“The only person I have only ever had it with, dummy. Remember at that party....” I glanced over at him.

Kit gasped as she followed my gaze. Her eyes wide with shock. “Storm?”

I nodded miserably. “Yep. That dummy...”

“Are you sure? I mean that was a month ago... You could just be late...”

“Uhhh... no. I'm pretty sure I am.... I took a test...”

“You only took one?” Kit looked at me to make sure I was serious. She had been looking over at Storm previously. He was totally clueless to her gaze upon him. He was too busy talking to Paige. It made me want to gag just looking at the two of them together. Bleh.


What was so wrong about taking only one? I mean, you could know you were pregnant by only taking one. I freaked out though, and didn't take another one.... I didn't read all of the instructions though which said that it might be useful to take a few of them... maybe I had to.

“Now, you are the dummy.... Only taking one...” She stood up. “Come on then, stupid. You have to go take another one.”

Damn it. I didn't want to have to go through this again. I stood up, stupidly and looked across the lunchroom to where Storm was... He looked at me for a split second and I could see he wanted to smile, but Page, who was a psychadelic freak and wouldn't let him talk to any other girls ecxept for herself, would get angry that he was smiling at me. There were some really unkind words that I wanted to say to her...

Kit grabbed me by the ear to get my attention. “Do you have more?”

“In my car, yeah...” She let go of my ear, but dragged me out of the cafeteria by my wrist.

Why was she so set on proving that I wasn't pregnant. She was being stupid. Maybe it was because she couldn't be friends with a pregnant girl... or maybe she was jealous.

Before I knew it we were out in the parking lot and unlocking my trunk. Kit flung open the hatch and looked around for it gruesomely. She grabbed the brown paper bag that I had pointed to seconds ago. Then we were headed back inside to the safety of the girls' bathroom.

“You had sex with Jason Storm? What the heck? And why didn't you tell me?”

I locked the door of the stall. “Sorry I forgot to mention it...?”

“Oh this is screwed up.”

“Tell me about it.”

Jason Storm, was the star student really. He had straight A's, perfect GPA, wonderful at sports, he swooned all of the girls. I really liked him, but that was because I was his neighbor for.... my whole entire life. I knew he knew I liked him, but he had a girlfriend. Which just screwed everything up. Though, he wasn't with Paige until after that stupid party.

I walked out of the stall, holding the damned pee-stick. I paced back and forth, wondering what the hell I was going to do if it was true.

“Well?” Kit asked me.

“You look at it, I can't.”

“You don't want to see your fate first?” She took the test from me and stared at it.

“Absolutely not.” I said edging closer to her.

“Okay... wait a minute. It still hasn't processed anything.” She paced the length of the bathroom before she looked at it again.

“Wait! I want to see it first.” I ran over to her and snatched it out of her hands.

I stared at it as a small pink plus sign formed in the little window. “Oh no...no no no... This can't be happening.”

Kit looked over my shoulder. “Oh Gabry. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you.”

“Whatever... what am I going to do? How the hell am I going to tell Storm about this? He's not going to believe me.... I'm so stupid, Kit! Go ahead. Say I told you so while you're at it. I can't -” Kit covered my mouth with her hand this time.

“Gabry, shut up. We can deal with this. I'll just take you to a women's clinic afer school and we can take care of it there.”

My eyes filled with horror as I realized what she had said. My heart sunk. “No. Absolutely not."

“Gabry, the easiest way you can deal with it, is to get rid of and pretend nothing happened.”

I shook my head, my eyes full of tears. “No. I can't kill a baby. My baby.”

Kit probably thought I was being really frustrating right now, but there was no way in hell that I was killing it. Why couldn't she understand that?

“Then how are you going to tell Storm?” She looked at me very concerned and frustrated.

“The same way I tell him everything else important."

“You do that....”

The bell rang signaling the end of lunch period. “I have to go.” I said and hurried out of the bathroom.

Never Leave My Side (A Teen Pregnancy story)Where stories live. Discover now