RAVERS Chapter 3 Cursed Fae-tale

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Chapter 3

Cursed Fae-tale

Quinn Shalom...

While I dreamed.

The marble floor of the ballroom made no sound under our feet as we danced, something like a waltz, slow and turning. My heart beat so slowly, but I felt like I was floating. The strength of my hero keeping me close, my cheek over his valiant heart. Glorious sunlight made waterfalls of gold falling around us as we danced through them.

"We did it," he whispered into my hair. "We raised your son, and we stopped the terrible things they wanted to do to the world."

I smiled. I turned my head to raise my eyes to his, but the windows shattered inward, and the snow swirled across the floor. A giant silver-gray warform wolf stood snarling at us, covered in the blood of the innocents he had slain. I screamed. My hero pulled me behind him, a golden flaming sword appearing in his hand.

"I won't let you take her, Jacob, she's mine. You've hurt her too much; she'll never want you to touch her again."

The monster growled in an unearthly sound, leaving bloody footprints on the pristine white floor. Jacob charged, and my hero pushed me away, they fought. His sword flew through the air, skidding to a stop at my feet. The monster that killed my son, had the only one left who loved me pinned down. Lifting the sword, I thrust it through his heart. The pain I felt was unbearable and I collapsed to my knees, gasping, before I fell into the snow.

Crawling like that night, I dragged myself into my greenhouse and collapsed.

Gerard turned me over, his eyes drowning me in concern, "I'm here, mon petit loupe. I promise to protect you always."

I could taste his honeyed blood as I was dying. "Please... Save my baby, mon ange."

"Stay with me, Quinn. Stay with me."

The sunshine broke golden around us and the world of horrors that was that night faded away. He pressed his lips to mine and breathed warmth back into my frozen body.

As I start to wake, my wolf reminded me of what the dark Fae warned me when he visited and told me not to drink any more of the lovely floral tea the butler always served me with meals. "Remember, just because something looks golden, doesn't mean it's a good thing."


As Gerard stood on the other side of the looking glass, he could see Quinn sitting in the window seat. He couldn't help but be surprised at how beautiful she looked in the afternoon sunlight, like the perfect apple hanging from a tree. Gerard always noticed how lovely pregnancy made females, the glow of the life growing within them, tempted him like forbidden fruit. Sipping hot chocolate while she was reading a book, seemed so childlike to him. When she tipped the book up to rest on her baby bump, Gerard quietly laughed at the irony of the title she had chosen. The story of a maiden trapped in a castle with a beast, but the book doesn't tell the real story, the real end of the tale of how the beast devoured his beauty's soul, after winning her heart and being restored to grace, because that was his true nature.

After blowing the transcendental mixture of pollen and dust from his hand, he watched as it drifted toward her as an iridescent tendril in the sunlight. In combination with the tea his seneschal gave her every day, she would believe his visit was no more than a daydream. He was here today because Sebastian said she was no longer sleeping peacefully until morning the last few nights. And Gerard needed to figure out what had his Belle so upset. He needed her to be calm and happy until the heir was born, he needed her to trust so she would be generous enough to choose him over her mate.

The Revelation Night Series 1 & 2 & #3 for NaNoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora