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Jenna wobbled back, rage had consumed her. She had never heard Valkyrie talk like that before, even Valkyrie was scared of herself. She could see the instant regret in her eyes. Jenna felt heat at the end of her fingers, was she losing control again?

"A goddess doesn't rest, and how dare you speak to me like that." Jenna started off calm, but her eyes started to glow a blood red, causing Valkyrie to panic and stutter her words,
"Jen, I'm sorry, I, I just." But she was cut off by Jenna's sudden rage,
"DON'T TALK TO ME I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT ANYMORE V." She picked her up using her magic and stormed outside with her, "ALL YOU DO IS LIE!" She lifted Valkyrie even higher before slamming her down onto the ground.

She landed with a loud thud. Jenna ran back inside and into the basement where a collection of weapons were kept, she gripped the spear off the wall and brought it back outside with her.
Valkyrie was just finding her feet again before Jenna kicked her back down and held the spear to her face. She seemed to be waiting for an apology but it was never going to happen. Jenna raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips together, staring dead into Valkyrie's pained eyes.

"Lady Jenna, is everything okay?" Korg had appeared, quite literally out of no where. Jenna took the spear away from Valkyrie who was still on the ground and kept it by her side.
"Not now Korg." Jenna shot him a sarcastic smile and strutted back into her house, looking back at them with no emotion before slamming the door shut.

She threw the spear down the stairs and into the basement. After slamming yet another door, Jenna slid down onto the floor, her head in her hands. Her anger was now most definitely consuming her.

Her anger made the whole house shake violently. Multiple vases were falling and smashing into pieces. Not only were vases falling, but a photo frame fell too. This particular one was on the windowsill in the kitchen. Jenna leapt up and ran over to the shards of glass on the floor.

She knew exactly which photo it was, which made it more painful. It was a photo of Loki upon his horse, it was the day that he discovered his frost giant heritage. She took the photo to prove to Loki how much she loved him because he didn't belive her at the time.

She held it in her hands. The broken glass shards had cut her, blood dripping down onto the wooden floor. Tears fell from her eyes and onto the photo.

"I'm so sorry Loki."

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