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"Okay boys are we ready?", Jordan asks. We all nod looking at each other nervously. Needless to say, no one was ready. No one.

"I guess so...lets get this over with.", Aleks says looking at Jordan who nods. Jordan begins the trek; leading us out of the small town. On one of the exit road was two Humvees which would serve as our transportation for the course of our time here.

James yanks the door to the metal cab open, and holds it open. Jordan and Dan resort to their spots in the drivers side of each of the vehicles. I was to go with Jordan, Jenna, and James while Dan, Aleks, Dex, and Seamus would man the other Humvee.

I load into the passenger side beside Jordan while James prepares himself and makes sure everything with the turret is okay as well as explaining things to Jenna. I cast a glance over my shoulder to see Jenna looking overwhelmed. I sigh and force my eyes away trying to focus on what was out the windshield; a vast desert that looks to have no end.

"Are we ready James?", Jordan asks looking back.

"Yeah this puppy is good to go.", Jame says plopping back down into his seat. Jordan briefly nods before starting the ignition. I swallow nervously as Jordan looks at the coordinates we had been given by the higher up commanders. He quickly grabs a gps and types in coordinates before pressing down on the gas petal.

Our Humvee leads the way across the sand followed by Dan and the others. Most of the time is spent scouting for other people and gripping what we call the "oh shit" handle from Jordans poor driving. Hours upon hours pass and we see nothing nor any sign of life anytime, past or present.

As we start to lose faith in the entire thing Jordan begins to give inspirational speeches which receives a prompt "shut up" from James. Soon after James begins to complain about being hungry which lasts for maybe five minutes before Jordan orders him to pass out our rations for today.

The food was something I certainly did not miss. Rations here were things such as canned meat, crackers, and dehydrated items. Some things were bare able like the protein bars but the rest of it was bored line unbearable. Yet I ate it anyway because even though it doesn't taste the best it's satisfying nutritionally.

"This shit sucks.", James mumbles while nibbling on a cracked.

"Definitely not Steak and Shake.", I sigh. Jenna nods in agreement but stays silent as she eats a small portion of food.

"Jordan, Aleks sees a camp in the distance.", Dan says, his voice staticky over the walkie talkie. I furrow my eyebrows while looking around; sure enough on the horizon the outline of a camp is visible through the waves of heat. I point it out for Jordan who'd been searching for it.

"I see it, think we can make it by sundown?", Jordan asks as he holds the walkie talkie to his mouth with one hand while steering. This action scares me as he can hardly steer with one hand let alone one.

"I think at this rate we can make it way before. I don't want to be there over night; I'm not ready for that Koots."

"Understood. Let's get there and get it over with then.", Jordan says. He sets the walkie talkie down, and resumes driving with two hands while thoughts of what battle strategies we can use fall from his lips without much actual thoughts.

"Okay boys we go in, get out. Dan and the others have scouted it out but said there's not many men here.", Jordan explains, "we can do this."

"Of course.", James says and I mumble something to that effect as well. Jordan nods before him and James head over toward where the others where congregating. I look at Jenna who practically tackles me for a simple kiss. I laugh as we head over, glad none of the guys had been paying attention to us as before we had gotten out.

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