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Looking into the mirror I'm met by an unfamiliar face; that face just so happened to be myself though. My hair was now trimmed so it just barely fell over my forehead at a slight angle-curtesy of Jordan's lack of experience cutting hair-to meet the requirements. My eyes had bags under them that were a purplish color similar to bruises, and made it look as if I had two black eyes. The most foreign and scary part was the sand colored uniform that I was wearing. It brought an unsettling feeling to my stomach just to think about it, let alone actually wear it. Yet I stood there grasping the matching army cap in one hand and the drawing Jenna had given me in the other.

Carefully I slip the drawing into the right breast pocket of my uniform and fasten the metal snap while also praying it'd go undetected. Lifting the hat up, I place it onto my head. It hides the hideous haircut for the most part which was good, but it made me even more nervous for what was about to happen.

After a quick glance at the clock I decide it's time to go. I step out of my office and head down the hallway not liking how the entire compound was dead silent. As I approach the main room there's indication of human life. The sound of chatter grows louder as I walk into the room. All of the guys stand around talking to higher up officials who were here to oversee our inauguration back into the military.

Everyone there was dressed in some sort of army wear. The guys from around the compound in the same colored uniforms while the higher up men wear a darker green solid colored uniform adorned by a multitude of badges.

I gulp as they take notice of me, and wave me over toward them. I drag my feet across the ground as I walk over toward them. Amongst the group is an official whose name I don't know, Jordan, Jenna, and Dan.

"Sir this is Kevin. He worked with Jenna and did a lot of her training.", Jordan explains motioning toward me. I nod and make a valid attempt to smile but it ends up as more of a grimace.

"Nice to meet you solider.", the still nameless officer says nodding toward me.

"Nice to meet you too.", I say. Dan jumps in and beings talking about Jenna and the actual building of her. Since it doesn't concern me, I only half pay attention to the conversation. After a while I completely stop listening and slip away deciding to retreat to a corner away from anyone professional. I spot Dex and decide that would be a safe spot as Jordan would keep any higher authority as far away as he could from Dex's foul mouth.

"Hey Dex.", I say softly.

"Hey Kevin, how are you holding up?", he asks curiously.

"Not very well, you?"

"Not good. I'm scared shitless.", Dex says sounding nervous. This was new to me as well. Dex never seemed to fear anything nor did he sound nervous. Just that sent me under another massive wave of terror.


"We have Jenna though...she'll protect us right?", Dex says obviously trying to scrap up some sort of comfort even if it didn't really exist. I just nod though as I didn't have the courage to put him down; I need the comfort as well. We both fall silent neither of us really knowing what to say to one another. So we just stood there; Dex most likely because they told him stay in the shadows and I next to Dex because he was in the shadows and that's where I intended to stay.

After the last salute our hands go back to our sides. Everyone else moves in crisp motions that are precise as if its second nature while I have trouble getting back into the motions. I stand there nervous someone noticed but even if they did no one said anything. I cast a glance down the line we were arranged on, a smile creeping onto my lips when I see a glint from Jenna's neck. Knowing she was wearing the necklace gave me a small sense of reassurance but not enough to completely calm me down.

We're all dismissed back to our offices or anywhere else we need to collect our necessities among other things we were designated to carry. The first place I head is to my office to get all of my personal things. Upon walking in, I'm hit with another wave of sadness that drags me back down.

I try to stay focused but end up letting my mind wander as I get my large duffle bag. Resting the strap over my shoulder I look around my office trying to determine whether there was anything else that I'd need. My eyes land on a pencil laying on my desk and a plan begins to form in my mind. I hurriedly run drop my duffle bag and run toward the art room praying no one saw me racing down the halls. Once safely inside I collect a medium sized sketch book and hope it was enough along with several mechanical pencils filled to the brim with lead as well as several small containers of lead. After collecting the items I "needed"; I peek my head out the door to make sure no one was outside. Not seeing anyone I head back to my office glad I didn't run into anyone that would have questioned why I was running down the hallway grasping a sketchbook and had pockets full of pencil lead.

I some how force all the stuff into pockets on my duffle bag. Taking a deep breath I lug the duffle bag over toward the door. I look behind me and take what could be a last glance at my office. Tears rush to my eyes but I hold them back as I switch the lights off and shut the door.

We're all directed to take our things to the two large army green colored Jeeps outside. I bite my lip as they show us where to put things and arrange us into the two vehicles. With all of our personal belongings loaded up we are faced with the task of collecting all of Jenna's plans, extra parts, or tools we might need to fix her in the future as well as prevent others from replicating her.

There's a thorough search just to make sure not even the tiniest diagram is left behind before we get the okay to load all the documents and parts. Everyone carries a small storage container of parts out except for me who is designated to turn off all electrical devices in the room then wait to turn off lights.

I do so obediently, going computer by computer and disconnecting its power. With each one the dread swells back up to the point by the time I'm at the last computer tears have formed again. I take a seat on the edge of the table reminiscing in all the good memories just this one room held. Bowing my head down, I tell myself to suck it up. I lack all the ability to suck it up though.

This was my home I was leaving.

It wasn't some army compound, it was a home.

Before I can relieve any other joyous memories I get up and leave the room silently except for a small sniffle. Slowly I walk down the hallway turning out each rooms light while trying not to cry which becomes increasingly harder. Finally I'm met with the main doors.

Once I pass here that'd be it, this was it. I was truly leaving just like we always talked about when we first gotten dismissed from duty. Back when we were young and stupid. Back before we grew to love this place and made it into a home instead of a workplace. Opening the door, I take a deep breath turning to switch the light off.

"Good bye.", I whisper as a single tear rolls down my face, falling off my chin soon after. I let the door fall shut as I solemnly make my way over to the crowd of people who shared the same feelings of sorrow by the feeling of the atmosphere.



This was depressing to write.
I was going to do more but I'm just not feeling it at the moment, plus next is battles and stuff.
I love you guys though and comment thoughts maybe ;-;

Bye xx

Prototype≫GoldenBlackHawkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें