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"Why did you call me in this early again?", I grumble as I pull my lab coat on. The laminate badge reading "Kevin McFarlane, Robotics Programmer" dangles off of it and twists as I pull it on. Carefully I straighten it out then follow Jordan down the hall way.

"Because they had a breakthrough.", Jordan states as we make our way through the pristine white halls.

"What kind of breakthrough?," I ask as he scans his hand allowing us into the secret headquarters. Upon walking in I see a large metal table, on top lays a motionless body.

"They figured out how to do it. They got the first human like robot to work.", Jordan breaths out.

"Why do you need me then?", I ask curiously.

"You do robotics programming and she needs programming.", Jordan says walking over toward her. I follow and look over the body. The girl has porcelain skin, full eyelashes, brown hair cut into a pixie cut, and most of her body hidden under a large blue sheet. I reach out, running my fingers lightly over her arm. Pushing slightly her body indents abit then goes back to its normal smooth state just as normal skin. Shocked I run my fingers over the contours of her cheeks not believing how real she seemed.

"She feels real."

"She is real, just not completely human."

"What doesn't she have?", I ask looking at him.

"A few organs that of course are unnecessary, mainly minor things."

"Ah..", I trail off looking at her. Jordan looks at me intrigued but all I can think about is how it be to be her. It be weird the only one in existence and then expected to fit in.

"What are you calling her?"

"She's a prototype. The first robot to look like, act like, and practically be human."

"If she's just like us, then why is she a prototype?"

"She's got..a few bugs..."

"What kind of 'bugs'?", I ask unsure of what he meant. Jordan shrugs looking on the fence, like he wasn't sure he should tell me that.

"She can still feel, she's just as vulnerable as a human and that's a problem for all of us.", Jordan sighs, taking his red hat off fixing his hair and then replacing it.

"How's that a problem?", I ask curiously.

"How are we supposed to use her for missions or anything if she caught up feeling all sorts of different emotions. We cant have her falling in love."

"Where do I come in?", I ask looking at him.

"Well Kevin we need you to disable her feelings."

"Jordan is that even possible...", I trail off not fully sure if there was a way and if there was that I could complete the task.

"Shes managed by this", he says holding up a tablet up, the screen lighting up,"we just need you to set up all the commands and so forth."

"I guess I can try.", I sigh taking it from him.

"Good and if anyone can do it, I'd be you Kevin.", Jordan states confidently before walking out of the room leaving me alone. I look down at the "robot" then the surprisingly heavy tablet in hand. Pulling up a chair, I take a seat then unlock the tablet. "The Creatures" company logo is the back ground and I chuckle finding it a bit funny to see the mutation of a rabbit and a sloth. I tap the screen opening the program that enabled me to change her settings.

"How in the hell do they have this wired up?", I sigh as I start sorting through everything. Lists of internal programs, organs and how they work in her, and other things are scattered throughout the tablets interphase.

After hours of work I finally get it all sorted out and figure out how to set up basic things like bodily functions. Then after a little more work I get to where I can disconnect certain feelings. Looking at the options I frown wondering how the hell Dan ever set this all up to where you can disconnect feelings or ever put her together that way.

"Must have taken forever.", I mutter to myself. Slowly I slide the bars across the screen, turning off the emotions they didn't want: Happiness, Jealousy, Amazement, Curiosity. As I turn them off something nags at me. It just didn't feel right turning these things off, not letting her experience happiness or curiosity. Reminding myself that I couldn't jeopardize the operate I keep turning them off until I reach love.

Stopping dead in my tracks I sigh not being able to do it. Slowly I flick most of them back on except a few like Jealousy and Hatred. Smiling, feeling kind of proud of myself for giving someone the right to feel, I work to set a lock so no one else could mess with these things but me. Then I look at the girl in front of me and bite my lip.

Powering her up I watch as the body in front of me sits up. The sheet slips off her chest and I blush slightly then notice the long scars up her abdomen. Sighing I turn her back off, watching as she lays back again. I readjust the sheet to lay back where it was then slip the tablet back into my pocket, heading off to find Jordan.

A while later all the guys were standing around the table watching as the girl still laid there motionless. Now though she was wearing basic clothing consisting of a large tshirt and some jean shorts thanks to our assistant Bek who'd dressed her for us. The guys all looked at me expectantly while I fiddled with the controls trying to get things all ready.

"Kevin are you about done?", Aleks asks looking at me with a blatantly bored expression. I roll my eyes and keep clicking things making sure it was all ready.

"He has to work out my mess give him time.", Dan chuckles.

"Ive got it, just shut up, I was double checking so I don't screw anything up.", I state hitting a button.

"What are we naming her?", Seamus asks and I look around the room.

"Jenna.", I blurt out, not giving it a second thought. The others nod in agreement and I smile before setting back to work. Moments later she sits up and the guys look at her like some kind of monster. Carefully I turn on the switch, that basically turns her brain
on. Her eyes open revealing warm brown eyes, as she looks around the room.

"Welcome to life Jenna.", I state softly as her eyes focus on me.


I feel awful. I am awful. Three cheers to that. I'm going to go work on my stupid biology project and maybe have a breakdown, bye xx

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