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"Hows training asshole?", James asks. I flinch a bit at the harsh name, then just brush it off knowing he was still offended from me taking his place. James always a temper no one could control so he didn't do much and him losing this probably hurt his ego, more than it probably should have to be honest.

"Good Jenna's learned well from you.", I compliment him hoping that'd soften his remarks a bit. He lets out an inaudible grumble before heading off on his way. I sigh and make my way through the training facility to where Seamus would be fitting us for new combat gear.

Jordan had ordered for us to do so with no explanation except it was require before we left. He also stated that Jenna didn't need to train today so she could recharge, which to me sounded awful suspicious especially for Jordan who couldn't hold a secret. No one questioned it in fear he'd begin taking away ranks and scrambled off to do their daily things then go see Seamus.

The brief interaction with James had been when I went to go get coffee hoping to awaken myself. It hadn't really worked yet, but nonetheless I keep sipping on it hoping it'd work its magic soon. Walking down the barren hallways of the compound I round a corner and practically run into Aleks.

"Whoa there.", Aleks huffs out sounding a little upset.

"Sorry dude.", I apologize quickly rather afraid he'd go off on me. Then as i glance over him I realize he's wearing battle gear. I raise an eyebrow and Aleks looks down then shifts uncomfortably under my gaze.

"They're the new suits for combat.", Aleks says softly. I look at outfit which consisted of a heavy looking battle suit which seemed tight but heavy and was patterned with army camouflage in neutral tan colors. Under the sleeves of the main part, skin tight material stuck out and hooked around his thumbs, also the same tan color. Cargo pants with a multitude of pockets rested on his waist and where tucked into a pair of boots that were a sandy color and laced up tightly.


"Yeah, and this tan shit.", he says motioning to the skin tight article underneath,"is a bullet proof suit, heavy as hell."

"Aleks this isn't right."

"It's not, why do we need these.", I ask looking over the outfit again. Aleks shrugs then let's out a sigh twisting something in his hands.

"I don't know.", he says.

"What's that?", I ask pointing directly at the object his was nervously twisting.

"A hat.", Aleks says holding it out. I grin a bit and take it from him, placing it on his head.

"Aleks the little soldier boy.", I chuckle and he laughs shaking his head.

"We haven't dressed like this since the...since the ruins happened Kevin.", Aleks says trailing off. I nod knowing what he was meaning, and also that it was fully true.

"Aleks....you don't think..."

"I'm fraid so...", he sighs. I look down and nod before heading down the hallway, not being able to utter another word nor think a coherent thought. As I round the last corner into Seamus' area I fight tears praying we weren't being sent into battle.

I look at myself and am surprised at how different the outfit makes me. It makes me look bulkier, like I had more muscle on my scrawny frame when actually well I was rather scrawny. The boots which were made of sturdy but light weight material added an inch or two to my high so that now Id most likely tower over Aleks.

Sighing I turn to face Seamus, I thank him even though I wasn't really thankful. In actuality I had wanted to just turn and walk out the door leaving Seamus there with his hands full of clothing I needed to try on and a needle to make adjustments. Instead I had stood there obediently even when Seamus accidentally pricked me with the needle, waiting to escape. I hadn't even questioned Seamus, figuring he wouldn't or just couldn't spill the news.

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