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Jenna's arms are crossed and she looks rather annoyed as I walk into the training room. She'd been siting in here for a while I assume, but was expecting to see James or Aleks not me. I walk in confident though,wearing a tight black work out shirt and baggy athletic shorts that further confused Jenna.

"Why are you here?", she asks.

"Because I'm training you.", I say. There's a bit of shine in her eyes, but she attempts to mask it and look natural, like she wasn't excited to see me. This makes me feel guilty as she was trying to mask it because of what I said to her the other day; a clear mistake on my part even though I thought it was good.


"Mhm, now come on, we're gonna work to your strengths.", I state motioning her over to a small circle I had painted onto the ground the previous night. She gives me a questioning look but I just advance, stepping within the confines of the circle. Jenna walks over, hands on hips and for a moment I wonder how she's not furious with me-I would be- then remember she didnt have the power, she couldn't.

"Okay so you've got, metal plates in spots right?", I ask.

"Yeah?", Jenna says then pats one of the places that held one of the plates. I nod and slowly approach her, tapping it. A small clang echoes through the dead silent room as I tap it with my finger nail.

"That's a strength. Humans we don't have that, we have tender flesh. You on the other hand have heavy, protective metal plates you can use to your advantage. In hand to hand combat, this is phenomenal as they hit those, they're done for. It could work in your favor for gun shots as well because it'll dent it but it won't be life threatening as if you were human."

"Okay, so metal.", she nods.

"Yes, today though we're gonna work on some hand to hand combat. You don't need it as much, but it's still something you should know."

"Let's do this then.", she nods.

After two hours of practicing stances, hitting points, and proper hitting technique; Jenna and I collapse into the small lounge like area covered in a sheen of sweat. Jenna looks at me and I raise an eyebrow confused.

"That was good.", she says before nodding."

"Really?", I ask sounding shocked but glad she thought so. I thought she'd find it more boring then when James did the training. I hadn't been drilling her which did help her attitude, but I was afraid she'd been slacking and not giving it her all. By the sight of her sweat slicked face, and red cheeks she'd worked hard though which meant she at least deserved a reward.

"Come on, we're gonna have a picnic.", I state standing up. Jenna looking at me curiously like she didn't understand the words coming from my mouth.

"A what?", she inquires.

"Don't play stupid, you know what a picnic is, you know what everything is.", I state rolling my eyes and walking past her. When I look back Jenna's close behind, a small smirk on her lips as she follows me.

"Did I do good today?", Jenna asks as she picks up a pair of chopsticks. Today I was enjoying a cheeseburger Jordan had picked up from some fast food restaurant which meant everyone was too lazy to cooks, while Jenna was about to dig into a platter of several different types of sushi, which was her newest obsession, just above drawing.

"You did fantastic.", I complement her before taking a rather large bit of my cheeseburger. Jenna nods, satisfied as she begins eating her sushi with the chopsticks, slowly and rather delicately. I raise an eyebrow not understanding how she could stand to be that patient to get the food into her mouth, then stand to eat raw fish on top of that. Jenna seemed to love it though, so I didn't bother questioning it.

"Thank you. Who knew you'd be such a good trainer."

"What's that supposed to mean?", I ask. Jenna takes a moment to gather her reasons while I wait pondering what she would say and popping a few more French fries into my mouth.

"You're such a softie, I didn't think you had a fighting bone your body.", she shrugs. I gasp and clutch my chest in fake shock while she lets out a giggle. I drop my hands back into my lap; smiling as she looks amused.

"Well I do, how else would I be in the military?"

"I'm not sure, even after proving you can fight you're still a softie.", she giggles. I chuckle and shake my head.

"I am, but that doesn't mean I can be in the military."

"True, but can I ask a question?", Jenna asks.

"You just did.", I state, grinning cheekily. Jenna laughs and reaches over smacking my arm lighting. I flinch slightly as a metal plate bumps my arm but try to seem uninjured. Jenna doesn't notice just takes another bite of her food before opening her mouth to speak.

"Okay, you're in the military right? How did you get stuck in compound here with me then?", she asks.

"Well it's a long story.", I sigh. Jenna looks around for a minute, brown eyes scanning the area for any sign of life.

"I've got time.", she finally says directing her attention back at me. I nod and crumple up the wrapped that was on my hamburger and throw it in the bag.

"We were all one big troop at first. Jordan was head in command, Aleks was second. I stood in the middle ground as did Seamus, Dex, and Dan. James usually got held back with training work as he has a hothead and tends to not follow orders when aggravated. Often we were sent out for smaller missions of little importance, and we were stationed in a training facility just outside of town. Then one day they sent us out on a quick scouting mission. When we arrived back from the mission we found the facility....it was in ruins...", I trail off for a moment, tears pooling in my eyes as I find some strength to continue,"we were taken off the line of battle. They decided that we most likely had emotional trauma. Higher up ranks decided we'd be put on a special compound, it's location would be classified and we'd be working on Project Prototype."

"Me...", she says trailing off.

"Mhm then we ended up picking up where the other left off on you. Somehow we managed it, we created you."

"That's amazing.", Jenna says, slightly in awe. I watch as she gets up, coming over and sitting next to me, instead of across from me, and wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm truly sorry for everything.", she whispers. I hug back, wishing I could ignore how glossy her eyes looked from tears about to spill, and the amount of sympathy someone not even human could hold.

"It's not your fault, gave us you.", I whisper, a small smile on my lips as she makes a face girls who are blushing usually make, the cute scrunched up and embarrassed one. As she does so I can't help but wonder if that was all she could blush and if so how red she'd actually be.


"Now you know though, but I better get you back. Jordans gonna have my head if not.", I state standing up. Jenna gets up reluctantly, but picks up the trash holding my hand as we head inside.

"Kevin what happened to that distance you told me to keep the other day.", she asks. I chew on my bottom lip trying to figure out what happened as well. There was no real explanation for it, in a day I had done a one eighty and now wished I hadn't ever said that. It was stupid, I couldn't stay away from Jenna nor could she stay away from me.

"Jordan told me to train you, also distance is stupid. Just forget that ever happened. .", I state and Jenna laughs, nodding in understanding-which was odd because I didn't quite have it figured out or understand it- as we head back inside.

I don't know what I'm doing.
I feel like I goofed and this isn't good.
Backstory though so woo, but the rest is awful.
At this point kevins confused as to what's right and I, confused as to what I'm trying to accomplish

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