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When I wake up, I'm met by an empty space next to me and crumple sheets; nothing more and nothing less. I let out a soft sigh before propping myself up in my elbows. After glancing around the room I accept the fact Jenna is gone already and swing my legs over the edge carefully getting down from the top bunk. I hurriedly scurry down the hall figuring the guys would be on their way soon and would have a plethora of questions should they catch me in there.

Headed in the direction of my office, my direction quickly changes as the aroma of bacon wafts down the hallway. I make a decision and decide to find the source of the mouth watering smell. After scouring the building, I find Jenna standing in the kitchen tending to a pan of bacon.

Her back is turned to me as she focuses fully on cooking the food in front of her. Seizing the chance I creep up behind her then wrap my arms around her suddenly. Jenna shrieks as I lift her up and spin her in a circle. Jenna squeaks die into laughter as she realizes it's me, and I can't help but chuckle as well. I stop spinning her around and look at her for a moment. Moments later I'm lost in her eyes and can't look away.

The beeping of a smoke alarm makes us both jump then burst into laughter. Only then do I realize how close our faces had been as she stumbles back slightly, lightly clapping her hands laughing happily. Jenna finally calms down and sets to trying to correct the mess of burnt bacon while I take in what almost just happened.

"I'm gonna go change before they get here.", I mumble quickly shooting down the hallway; not even giving Jenna a chance to reply.

We all had multiple sets of clothes stashed here just in case of emergencies and other purposes. Luckily we had different types that made making it look like I had simply arrived early easy. As I change though I find my hearts still beating fast and the thought of kissing Jenna getting more inviting. Shaking my head, I groan not being able to clear my own head. It was a dangerous thing I was doing to myself. Falling for Jenna was playing with fire, and I was certain to get burned but it was a tempting set of thoughts.

I let out another soft sigh stashing my dirty clothes in my office, then heading back to the kitchen area to 'supervise' Jenna's cooking. Also to snag pieces of bacon off the plates when she wasn't looking as that job was calling my name more so than the other.

"One more Kevin!", Aleks prods. I grunt in response, sweat rolling off of me as I attempt to lift the extremely heavy dumbbells up one last time to completely my set. Somehow I manage to do it, even with every muscle in my arms feeling like jello. Aleks quickly helps me set them down, the metal hitting the cement with a clink. I lean back against the slanted lifting bench, the vinyl covering covered with my sweat. Closing my eyes, I lift my arms above my head trying to regain my breath. Today was designated weights day, an utterly awful thing as it involved us going to the small weight room connected to the trailing area and lifting until our bodies were numb.

"Come on, just squats and sprints left.", Aleks says trying to sound enthusiastic. His tone falls flat though and instead he seems bored, and rather pissed. I nod and force my body off the bench, struggling just to keep myself from falling over. Aleks and I slowly drag ourselves over to the side where there was some carpet, suitable for doing lunges with out killing our knees from bumping them to the floor. I look around, rather weary to begin the next exercise. I catch Jenna's eye and she offers a pitiful smile but flashes me a thumbs up. Turning away, I decide to stop pushing it off and grab some new Dumbbells that are much lighter as I begin the set of lunges.

All of us finish our work outs at the same time as we all end off in sprints. It was a torturous sprint of forty yards that when repeated made us all wish we were dead all over again. Once again Jenna had pushed us to our limits with the work out; all of us ready to give up after five minutes. Now that it was over, we felt dead. Our arms and legs were jello, muscles sore, sweat dripping down our faces, and our hearts still pounding.

"Good job guys.", Jordan huffs out. We all ignore it though trying to regain just enough breath to get out an insult for making us do this. None of us can though, instead we all stand or sit, our hands on our head, willing air to invade our lungs faster.

"Seriously Jordan why are we doing this?", Dex breaths out, his usually perfectly styled hair falling flat and his cheeks a bright red.

"Get changed, maybe shower as well then we'll talk about it.", Jordan sighs. We all nod, dismissing ourselves to do as he said.

The locker rooms at the compound were similar to ones in a high school locker room. Simple cubby holes with open fronts to place things in lined one wall and a row of benches rested in front of them. Opposite of the cubbies was the showers, a small squarish area was set back into the walls and housed enough shower heads for everyone with stalls surrounding each one. This wasn't anything new to us, but it felt so foreign just being back in here after avoiding this area of the compound for so long all together. Slowly we all strip down and take our showers mumbling speculation that Jordan completely ignores.

Everyone emerges from the locker room at their own pace, now looking like their preworkout selves. Each person is seated in our lounge waiting nervously for Jordan to begin speaking to us. Despite being nervous it was obvious most of us were eager to know what was going on. By most people I mean everyone but me. I was shifting uncomfortably in my seat, afraid I knew what he was about to announce but internally praying I was wrong.

"Okay Hordan we're all here, spill.", James demands. Jordan shifts under all our eyes then momentarily bites his lip as if figuring the best way to deliver the news.

"I'm sure some of you guys have been thinking this...and yes....we're going back into combat.", Jordan announces. At his words all of our faces fall, no one hardly believing it.

"That's impossible...They said we had too much trauma.", James says breathily. Everyone else just looks stunned and utterly speechless, all of our eyes trained on Jordan.

"They want to take Jenna into battle...the military thinks she ready and decided that she would be more comfortable with us. That means we're going back in."

"Jordan...", Seamus says before trailing off.

"This is bull shit. Never again my ass.", James roars before getting up and storming out. I notice the terrified look on Jenna's face and long to comfort her but can't in front of everyone.

"Jordan we have loved ones...we weren't ever supposed to go back. I don't understand.", Seamus says. His facial expression a mix of terror, sadness, and rage.

"I don't understand it either but we've been called into duty. We cants back out", Jordan sighs. I watch as Jordan takes his hat off, running a hand through his hair them replacing the hat stop his head.

I, myself, initially felt paralyzed. I was right, but I didn't want to be; I did not want this at all. Now the realization had really hit and I was trembling, my breathing feeling heavy and labored. It felt as if I'd just had the biggest bomb I've ever gotten dropped on me, even though I knew it was coming.

"When are being sent back in?", I ask, my own voice surprising myself. Everyone turns and looks at me for a moment then directs their attention back to Jordan.

"Two weeks, we have two weeks to prepare before we're shipped back out for war."



yo yo yo stuffs getting real.
I'm gonna go instead of blabbering because I want to try and update Desolate tonight to ^-^

Prototype≫GoldenBlackHawkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora