Chapter 10

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Mingyu's pov

Wonwoo and I went to find Soonyoung. After a while, we found him and others as well. He was sitting on the bench in front of the school and others standing around him. 

Wonwoo walked over to them and I did it as well. I slowly looked at Soonyoung and tried a make a little smile on my face. "I wanted to apologize to you, Soonyoung. I didn't wanna hurt you again..."

He nodded gently. "I know you didn't want to, Gyu. But... you're right. I'm the bad one here, not you. I just craved attention and you were the one who noticed it. I want to apologize to everyone. Mingyu was right, I lied to you all." Soonyoung just wiped a tear from his cheek and looked at the ground. Suddenly, I felt bad about it.

Seokmin, who was sitting beside him on the bench put his hand on Soonyoung's right shoulder and forced Soonyoung to turn at him. Soonyoung slowly looked at Seokmin. Seokmin said nothing, just hugged him.

I smiled to myself. They were really cute together and I've never seen Seokmin angry at Soonyoung. Seokmin was always by Soonyoung's side. He never hurt him.

Seungkwan sat down beside Soonyoung as well and the three boys hugged each other again. They were best friends. Wonwoo stood beside me and gave me one of his beautiful smiles.

"I knew it, you are a good person after all," Wonwoo whispered softly.


After a week, I went to school alone. In front of the school, Wonwoo was waiting for me. I smiled and went to him.

"Hey, Wonwoo, How have you been?"

He grinned. "I'm fine, you?" he said and along with me went to the school. After a week happened many things. A new student came to our school and suddenly, Jihoon has been less annoying. Jeonghan wasn't such an annoying idiot as well. I couldn't say that we were friends, but also not enemies. Many students have changed there.

Then, we met Jeonghan and Jisoo. 

"Hey, guys," Jeonghan noticed us.

I smiled at them. "How have you been, you two?" I asked them. Jisoo was also a quiet boy. He was almost the same as Junhui, the Chinese boy.

"We're alright, right Wonu?" I turned to the boy who was standing beside me. He looked at me and grinned, then nodded. "Yeah."

"And... what about you, Jisoo?" I turned at the last boy. Jeonghan turned to him as well. I noticed what he did. Jeonghan took Jisoo's hand into his and smiled at the boy beside him. Jisoo gave Jeonghan a little smile and then looked at me. "I'm fine, Gyu."

"I know, it's not my business, but... Does something happen? You really don't look good." I noticed that Jeonghan's grip on Jisoo's hand tightened. Suddenly, I wasn't sure if I want to know what exactly happened.

"My parents want a divorce," he said quietly after a moment.

"Oh, it's terrible..." I whispered and looked away quickly. I really didn't wanna know it.

Jisoo wiped a tear from his cheek and Jeonghan hugged him. I felt bad about it. I wished I had been quiet instead.

"It's okay, Jisoo," Jeonghan whispered, wiping another tear from Jisoo's face with his thumb. "It's okay..."

Wonwoo put his hand around my neck and led me away from them. "Let's leave them alone," he told me." I just nodded gently.

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