Chapter 6

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Wonwoo's pov

"Get out!" Seungkwan shouted at that boy.

"Jihoon, stop!"

I turned behind me and raised one eyebrow. No, you stop, please...

Seungkwan turned to him as well. "What are you doing here?" he asked quickly, but Mingyu didn't answer.

I didn't know what Mingyu wanted to do, but I know one thing already. I won't like it... Maybe he wanted to fix his mistake, but I wasn't sure about it. I didn't know anything. Mingyu was different, but I didn't know much about him.

"Mingyu, I didn't know you can talk," Jihoon said with laughter.

I looked at Mingyu and waited to see what he would do. 

Mingyu looked at me. "Is Soonyoung alright?" he asked me carefully. I nodded and turned to Seokmin and Soonyoung.

"Yes, I can speak and I have a question. Why did you do it to him?" he asked angrily. "He didn't do anything to you!"

"I know, but it was very funny to me and he is Soonyoung. It's very easy to make fun of him because he's so naive," Jihoon said calmly and smiled at us.

"That's enough!" Seungkwan shouted at him. "Soonyoung may be a little naive, but unlike you, he has a pure heart, Jihoon!"

"Awww, it's so sweet, really!" Jihoon said and looked around us. He noticed Jeonghan and his fake smile disappeared.

"What's going on here?" Jeonghan asked quickly and when he noticed us, he frowned. Jeonghan turned to Jihoon. "What did you do to them?" 

"Nothing," Jihoon answered quickly. "I really did nothing, I swear!"

"I don't trust you, Jihoon. You hate Soonyoung and now you've hurt him, haven't you? Why else would he sit on the ground?" 

"Hm.. maybe I did something to him?" Jihoon said softly.

"What did you do to him!?" Jeonghan shouted at Jihoon.

Jihoon frowned. "Why do you even care about it? Why do you even care about Soonyoung!?"

"It isn't your business! I asked you something! Then you answer me!"

"Jeonghan?" Seungkwan said calmly.

Jeonghan turned to him and raised one eyebrow. "What do you want, Seungkwan?"

"I-I wanted to say it instead of Jihoon."

"Okay, then speak."

Seungkwan took a breath. "Jihoon threw the ball at Soonyoung."

Jeonghan nodded and turned back to Jihoon. "Is that true?"

"Yes, and what?" he said calmly.

"Get out of here, Jihoon!" Jeonghan shouted at the little boy. Jihoon turned his back quickly on us and left.

I stood up and frowned at him. "What are you doing, Jeonghan?"

He shrugged. "I just wanted to help you, nothing more," he said calmly and looked at Soonyoung.

Soonyoung with Seokmin stood up beside me. I saw that Seokmin was worried about Soonyoung.

"Are you okay, Soonyoung?" Jeonghan asked him carefully.

He just nodded. I saw fear in his eyes. Yes... Jeonghan was the king of the school, he had huge authority and everyone was afraid of him.

I noticed that Mingyu was gone. That guy was really different. I wanted to know more about him. And then I noticed another guy, he was really different from the others. He didn't talk to anyone. Who was that?

Jeonghan looked at him as well and shrugged. He noticed my expression. "It's Minghao. This is the guy who didn't join my group."

Wait! This is Minghao!? THIS MINGHAO!?

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