10. somewhere only we know

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dean of course bought rory's basket, but it was now time for my basket and i had no clue who was gonna pick me.

i was feeling pretty nervous for two reasons; one of them being that if it was chosen by peter i'd have to sit with him for hours listening to him ramble on to himself and the second one being that it could be jess and more stuff could happen leaving me more confused.

in the end it was jess who got it and peter looked like he wanted to murder him. i would be lying if i said i wasn't a little excited to spend time with jess.

as soon as the crowd dispersed peter stormed straight over to jess, causing me to run after him. "peter, please don't cause a scene." i sighed following him.

"why are you defending him?" peter yelled at me, as i looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. i didn't him to yell at me.

i watched jess walk and get the basket for us, but i decided to just say nothing.

"that guy is messing with me and i'm sick of it" peter snapped out of frustration.

jess slowly walked over carrying the basket with a smile on his face. "you know this thing wasn't half as bad." he stated.

"glad you enjoyed it." peter sarcastically replied.

"yes i did." jess said, before turning to face me. "so shall we?" he smiled at me.

"shall we what?" peter snapped.

"shall we go."

"go where?"

"go eat." jess stated in an obvious tone. peter paused for a moment, as he tried to process what jess has said. "well, you know the person who buys the basket wins the company of the person who makes the basket for lunch," jess explained, as he lifted up the basket. "basket." he stated. "basket maker." he pointed at me. "guy who didn't bring enough money." he then said pointing at peter, which caused me to look down and try to not laugh.

"you think this is funny?" he spat at jess, but caused me to jumped thinking he was talking to me.

"well it's no lenny bruce routine, but it has it's moments. " jess retorted with a smug look on his face.

it was bad when you looked at it from another perspective i knew that and i knew i was wrong for what i was doing, letting two guys stand arguing over me and leading one of them on.

of course that was wrong, i just had to figure it out and the only way i could do so was spend more time with jess.

"bye jess." peter snarled.

"where you going?" jess questioned knowing this was gonna aggravate him even more.

"you're the one who's going."

"well as soon as sabrina's ready then yeah." he nodded.

"she's not going."

my eyes widened at peter, as he spoke for me. i wasn't going to let him do that. "woah." i stated holding my hands up. "you don't get to speak for me or dictate what i'm doing." i snapped at peter, i wasn't annoyed at him, until he thought he could do that. i wasn't going to let a man tell me what to do, no way.

a smile formed on jess' face, as i told peter off. "and i'm going with jess." i told him as i moved closer to him, "and if you don't like that then i'm sorry." i shrugged, as me and jess walked off together.

i walked beside jess, who was holding the basket, as he took us to the place we went the first time we met in stars hollow.

"this place looks so different at day time." i stated, as i looked around with a smile.

we walked across the small wooden bridge, as i raised a finger and looked at him, "under no circumstances am i jumping in." i warned him in a jokingly manner.

"oh, damn it." he sighed shaking his head. "that was the whole reason i brought you here."

we both laughed, as we sat opposite each other on the bridge. "please do not expect anything healthy in there." i chucked lightly, as he began to untie the ribbon.

"sandwiches." he stated, as he took two for us out.

we sat eating together, before jess began to talk to me about the whole peter thing. "i really hate that guy." he complained.

"how come?" i questioned taking a bite out of the sandwich.

"for starters, i hate him in general he's a jerk, but mainly i hate seeing him with you." he answered with complete honesty in his eyes.

"you do?" i asked him in a softer tone of voice, with a warm smile appearing on my cold face.

"well yeah," he nodded, as i sensed him becoming awkward. "but, i can't do anything about it." he shrugged.

i looked down at the calm water seeing our reflections looking back at us. "i'm really happy it was you who bought my basket." i smiled at him.

"me too." he replied, as we carried on eating and talking together.

jess walked me back home, it was just approaching 8pm. "well, thank you." i smiled, as we reached my front door.

he nodded with a smile back at me, as he turned around about to walk off before calling my name out.

"yeah?" i asked, as i walked down the steps over to him.

"i think i've made it pretty clear how i feel about you, but the rest is up to you." he told me, before walking away.

he was right. i did have to make a decision. i just didn't know how. i walked through the door and saw my mom sat watching the tv. i decided to try and talk to her about it and see if she could give me some advice.


"okay, so you have two guys," i started. "let's call them paul and jack." i told her, as she nodded. "and you were sort of seeing paul and he was nice to you, but mainly just spoke about himself and didn't seem to care about you," i explained to her. "but then jack, you have so much in common with and may or may not of accidentally kissed him behind paul's back and you're just really stuck and don't know what to do." i rambled on, since the whole was stressing me out.

in one way it was an easy decision, but on the other hand i hated upsetting people, so i just tended to tell them what they want to hear to keep them happy.

"calm down, calm down," mom chuckled, as she tried to settle my nerves. "please don't get mad at me for this, but does this have anything to do with peter and jess?" she questioned, as i slowly nodded.

i couldn't be bothered to hide it any longer, i just needed someone to vent to and my mom was the right person to do so with.

"and by any chance is peter paul and jess is jack in this situation?" she asked me, as i once again nodded. "when did you kiss jess!?" she exclaimed.

"at the bracebridge dinner." i confessed in a loud voice, still feeling nervous and overwhelmed about it all. "he jumped on the sleigh with me and it was there." i explained.

"aw honey." she smiled rubbing my arm gently. "and you really like him?" she asked, as i nodded again.

"and i'm ninety-nine percent sure he feels the same."

she paused for a moment, as i worried this was gonna turn into another huge lecture on why he's a bad guy. "if he makes you happy then i think you should try it with jess." she guided me. "however, you cannot lead peter on like that, honey. it's unfair on him and he's not done anything to deserve that."

i nodded at her advice, "you're right, thank you." i smiled giving her a hug. now i knew for sure what i wanted to do i had to figure out how to do it.

love letters- jess mariano Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt