What They're Like When They're Drunk

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Shota Yasojiro

This redhead tends to stray away from alcohol, typically averse to it, especially as he doesn't know what being under the influence will do to him. Still, in the rare case that he indulges in a wine or champagne, he'll typically become very woozy towards it. He will become far more emotional and clingy, especially to his little sister, Nami, and (Y/n). The male is scared that either one of them will despise him and abandon him, but will mutter little memories he has of them or that he loves them more than anything. His favorite type of alcohol is rose wine.

Takuya Miyahara

Like Shota, this white-haired boy isn't fond of alcoholic drinks. He was frightened by his mother when she got drunk, and he is worried he will hurt people around him if he does drink. Unlike his typical response to everything else, Takuya will become much more courageous and brave, having more self-confidence than without alcohol. He will often become more aggressive towards other people, especially those that are of the male variety, but he has an off switch. All (Y/n) needs to do to calm him down is bring him to bed and cuddle him affectionately. Then he might start to cry and hug her tightly, most likely falling asleep sooner or later. His favorite type of alcohol is cider.

Haru Akahito

Haru prefers soda. He doesn't like the feeling of getting drunk nor does he like the taste of most beers or other alcohols. However, in the event that he does drink, it will be something fruity and bubbly like raspberry lambic beer. He doesn't act much differently with alcohol, being reserved and quiet, but brutally honest and oblivious. That being said, he will refuse to be alone, clinging to Bastien or (Y/n) in an attempt to play childish games with them. Haru's favorite type of alcohol is simply a rum and coke, mainly because it has coke in it, not because of the rum.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

Because his father is a wine connoisseur and frequently travels to prominent wine distilleries across the world, Rei has developed a taste for wine as well. He rather enjoys alcohol, especially when he has a good time when drunk. When drunk, he often is far more prone to making sly comments or suggestive ones to (Y/n). Of course, he wouldn't force her into anything, but he'll still nibble on her neck and kiss her passionately. He'll fall asleep if she decides to grace him with a song, wrapping both his arms and legs around her as he does so to make sure she doesn't leave when he's sleeping. His favorite type of alcohol is a fortified wine, most preferably a sherry.

Yamato Hisaki

Due to his dedication to being disciplined in most aspects of his life, this brunette strays from alcohol, unlike his Gensai counterpart. Still, from time to time, he indulges in a drink when he is relatively happy, preferring to celebrate with his loved ones and Hisaki Conglomerate family. When he does decide to drink, going overboard, he becomes extremely aggressive. He'll fight anyone he thinks insults him (even though most of the time it's not even close) and end up winning even when intoxicated. When he does fight, he'll turn back for approval from (Y/n) and Yusei. Later on in the day, he'll collapse on the bed after being overly affectionate with his dogs. His favorite type of alcohol is sake.

Akari Otsu

Disgusted with human greed and behavior, Akari despises alcohol as he has seen how it affects people and causes them to harm others. Prior to developing a deeper relationship with (Y/n), he had never even touched the stuff. It's rare for him to drink even if she does and encourages him to, as he worries about not being able to detect threats or protect her when drunk. Still, when he does drink, he rolls around on the ground in a happy fit. He also becomes far more revering of his goddess, saying things he would have kept in his mouth as to not scare her. Strangely enough, when intoxicated, Akari's thoughts of violence towards others mainly disappear. His favorite type of alcohol is Grand Marnier, especially if it's in a strawberry and orange crepe.

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