How would they react if (Y/n) topped them?

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Shota Yasojiro

This redhead isn't experienced in sexual encounters. Sure, there have been a few times he's done it, but he's never gotten through it without stopping abruptly and having a panic attack. Thus, if having sex with the (h/c) haired girl, and she rode him, he would be thrilled. He would appear bashful, his face as red as his hair, but he would like it better than if he topped even if it was in a BDSM manner. It would give him satisfaction to know that (Y/n) wants him, demands him, and only him.

Takuya Miyahara

Having experienced more than he wanted to when it comes to sex, Takuya has been topped before. He did not like it, to be frank, and does not appreciate feeling trapped or pressured into something. However, with (Y/n), as long as she is giving him small loving gestures and letting him look at her face, he would be incredibly aroused. There does need to be love and passion in it, but as long as there is, he will want to do it over and over (not that he would admit that). However, he's definitely up for being humiliated in a sexual manner or being controlled in every aspect of masochism except pain.

Haru Akahito

The brunette, though he can come off like he is plenty experienced, has little idea of what he likes in terms of sex. In fact, he had believed that all you needed to do to get someone pregnant was to kiss them. Of course, he knows better than that now, but he isn't particularly in the know about the act of doing it. Still, if (Y/n) were to top him, he would most likely be on board with it. The male would be pleased if the younger girl enjoyed herself in any manner. The brunette would enjoy the act of being claimed and being humiliated, but he would surprisingly enjoy being blindfolded.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

Rei has long since been the dominant one in all aspects of his life. He is used to being the one to be adored and desired, so being subject to (Y/n)'s dominant side would be an interesting experience for him, to say the least. That's not to say he wouldn't thoroughly enjoy it. He'll still attempt to take some control over the situation by grabbing onto her hips or playfully tugging her hair for dominance. However, if she were to be completely in control of him, he would find it incredibly sexy.

Yamato Hisaki

It's almost impossible to get this brunette into bed without prompting his jealousy. He's not one to do it unless he needs to prove a point or show his love without words. In most situations, (Y/n) would need to initiate it. If she were to top him, he would be aroused, yes, but if she was forceful with him, he would be shamelessly loud. He tends to either be dominant fully or submissive fully, so a little pain would do him good. What would really drive him crazy though, would be her tying his hands together.

Akari Otsu

Well, now. This would be the only way that Akari would ever enjoy sex. He's a giant masochist, so pain, humiliation, degradation, overstimulation, everything is what he prefers. (Y/n) topping him is his fantasy, especially if she cut him or bit him during the process or restrained him in some shape or form. Confident or shy, he would love it all the same and would be sure to show his appreciation.

Narahashi Shiko

Truth be told, Narahashi isn't the biggest fan of being on top. He doesn't want to be the one to be in control, not one that dominates. The male is quite often passionate, but slow. He rather - shamefully - enjoys the thought of (Y/n) topping him. If she's slow, however, teasing or edging him, he'll be very into it.

Sora Gensai

Much like Rei, Sora is used to being the one in complete control. In his harem, he received all of the pleasure and gave it out as he saw fit, used to being spoiled. However, if (Y/n) were to top him and become dominant, he would give a cocky smirk and raise an eyebrow. He would watch it play out and take everything she had to throw at him, but somewhere along the line, he'll playfully fight her for dominance. If she were to win, he would enjoy her performance, but if he were to win, he'd encourage her to bite him to win back the dominant position. Either way, he'd enjoy it greatly.

Asuka Chinen

Unlike many of the others, Asuka does not think of or want to have sex most of the time. She's hard to convince into bed because she would rather have fun playing video games or simply cuddling. That being said, she prefers being dominant in bed, but can be swayed to being submissive, but not overly so. Thus, if (Y/n) were to top her, she would play along and enjoy the ride with amusement.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Despite his typically mature appearance, this blonde quite likes being dominated in bed. He's not a masochist, per se, but he likes it when his women take control. So, if the (h/c) haired girl were to top him, he would be more than thrilled though he would blush and attempt to cover his face occasionally. His actions will be shy, so she would need to place his hand on her chest if she wanted him to touch it or tell him directly. In any case, he would be pleased with her being dominant.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

This male, though he doesn't look it, likes to be the dominant one purely because it lets him force his partner to look up at him. He wants the gaze of them on his body, not anyone else's. Thus, he is somewhat possessive in bed, grabbing and tugging though not in a way that is meant to hurt. Nonetheless, if (Y/n) topped him, he would be confused and uncertain. Of course, he would change his tune if she made eye contact with him and panted his name. It's more important to him that he receives recognition and has undivided attention. That being said, pain and humiliation are a big no-no. Love bites though, are a different story.

Ryota Akiyama

Not well versed with carnal desires, this male has little understanding of being topped or doing the topping. That being said, he rather enjoys the concept of BDSM, so (Y/n) topping him would thoroughly interest him. He'd be sure to ask for it at least once or twice, but for manner's sake, he would feel bad asking for too much. Still, as long as one of them is noticeably dominant and controlling, he'll be sure to enjoy it, especially if she blindfolds him.

Hotaka Ishikawa

Again, this male is not greatly interested in sex, but he prefers to be on top. (Y/n) topping him would make him curious. Still, he would far prefer being the one to give passion to her, being more vanilla than most of the others. That's not to say he wouldn't enjoy the younger girl being on top of him or dominating him. He would certainly want to try, but his need to protect her and hand her everything he can would stifle that curiosity.

Kota Kita

Though he doesn't look it or act like it, Kota is not submissive in bed. In fact, he's rather assertive and grabby, demanding attention and affection both, especially if he suspects the younger girl looked at another man. So, if the (h/c) haired girl was to top him, he would be thrilled with the attention but frustrated that he couldn't control everything. He would enjoy it, but he would enjoy it more if he were the one topping not to say that the sight of her on top of him wouldn't be desirable.

Orion Trewin

This male would much prefer a slow and loving approach to making love but is open to whatever his beloved wants. He would enjoy her being on top of him, and wouldn't mind any kind of humiliation or pain if she was into it. That being said, he would insist that she hold his hand during the process. For him, it's all about the love, not the pleasure, so even if she preferred not to, he would tell her sweet nothings in between his moans.


Whatever (Y/n) wants! She can cut him, bleed him, rip his throat out and he'd still be writhing in absolute pleasure! Chains, whips, everything! Even if she denies his pleasure, he'd receive it in one way or another. He'd prefer greatly if she was the one on top of him and would listen to any commands she had for him. Simply put, as long as she desires it fully, he will do whatever she long as it doesn't pertain to another man.

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