How they smell

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Shota Yasojiro

Like a breath of fresh air, that single smell that overcomes the senses with a feeling of serenity and adventure.

Takuya Miyahara

Like roses, soft and delicate, a hint of the smell lingering with the addition of lilies or other kinds of flowers. All in all, it is a gentle fragrance.

Haru Akahito

The smell that comes when one opens a brand new video game, just opened and never been played before.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

A sweet emasculating scent, likely from what sweets or foods he's been making. Most of the time, he smells of frosting, sugar, or vanilla, perhaps a mixture of all three.

Yamato Hisaki

An earthy scent; one that is reminiscent of hard work or discipline. Hints of sweat, but not enough to make the smell unpleasant. Rather, it is masculine.

Akari Otsu

Like the forest, hints of pine or subtle flora here and there, the sign of the blonde's love to be outside and in nature.

Narahashi Shiko

He smells like strong cologne due to his almost obsessive use of the stuff. He himself says he doesn't like the smell, but that he "thinks the ladies" will like it.

Sora Gensai

Typically he smells like the essential oils he loves so much. It's more likely he has a scent like lavender and jasmine.

Asuka Chinen

Like citrus, lime, lemon, and orange, courtesy of her lively and carefree personality.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

A subtle hint of wine or champagne in the evening, probably mixed with hints of natural mint or raspberries.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

Like animals, sometimes. His natural scent is more akin to the scent of gentle rainfall, a light petrichor aroma.

Ryota Akiyama

The smell of fresh parchment or the smell of a bookstore, probably hints of ink or slight coffee sprinkled into the mix.

Hotaka Ishikawa

The sea breeze or cold mountain, invoking a feeling of joy or excitement and the eagerness to explore.

Kota Kita

This pink-haired male smells like cherry blossoms. It's not his natural scent, but he loves it, far preferring it to cologne or perfume.

Orion Trewin

Like honey, sweet and natural, subtle but powerful. He also possesses a strange tropical scent that is fresh and relaxing like the night breeze flowing over a clear blue ocean.


Like blood; fresh dripping blood just cut from a victim or blood that has already dried onto his skin. Has an iron tint to the smell, but not enough to make a putrid scent. If one didn't see the blood, they wouldn't know what to call the scent. For good reason.

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