How They Would React To (Y/n) Being Pregnant

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Shota Yasojiro

The redhead started crying tears of joy instantly, hugging the younger girl before backing off and saying he didn't want to hurt the baby. He was shockingly intent on researching everything having to do with pregnancy, making sure he provided (Y/n) with a comfortable pregnancy. If he wasn't married to the (h/c) haired girl, he would propose immediately. Shota would treat his child by spoiling it immensely. He would be scared of how good of a parent he would be, but he is loving with children, especially those related to him.

Takuya Miyahara

Takuya would be shocked at first, even embarrassed about the conversation, but thrilled nonetheless. He would make sure to do everything for (Y/n), even things that maids typically did around the estate. Taking time off work would also be a given as he would want to watch over her personally. The white-haired boy would be hesitant to hold his child, wanting (Y/n) to bond with it first especially as he was concerned about his capabilities, but he would love his child unconditionally. Also, he would brag to his father about his child and would never let his mother see it. He would be scared she would hurt it.

Haru Akahito

If there's one way to brighten up Haru's life with two words, it's announcing that he's got a child of his very own with (Y/n). Not only would he go overboard with buying baby stuff, but he would also take the (h/c) haired girl to regular doctor's appointments. He would have doctors and nurses watching her and his child at all times and would always spoil her with whatever she wanted. Haru would take joy in supplying her cravings.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

As the King of Vethela, having a child is only natural, but having a child with (Y/n) is more than that. When Rei receives the news, he would bring a renowned governess to watch over his future child. He would want his child to stay in the castle, sleep in his and (Y/n)'s room, and be treated with the utmost of respect. As the mother of the next monarch, the (h/c) haired girl would be given the highest honor in the country. Rei would compliment her every day on how proud of her he is and would tell her they would have the most beautiful baby together.

Yamato Hisaki

The brunette would be embarrassed by the conversation before (Y/n) brings up her pregnancy. At that point, he would jump up to hug her and snuggle her tightly with a large smile on his face. Yamato would tell everyone the news as well as threatens others to stay the fuck away from her. He would be very overprotective of the (h/c) haired girl, monitoring her state carefully. At the same time, he would attempt to keep Yusei from offering too many sweets to her. He would also throw a baby shower for her with his members who are beyond thrilled to have another heir.

Akari Otsu

To think that Akari would have a child with his goddess is simply unthinkable. He'd probably faint or laugh it off, but when he is assured (Y/n) really is pregnant, he'll start crying and say he doesn't deserve it. He'll be sure to treat his child better than himself, protective and dedicated to it. He'd take numerous pictures of them growing up and of family memories. When the (h/c) haired girl is pregnant, he'd do all of the house chores himself, and make sure his servants give her space. At the same time, he'd act as her personal servant though that's not much different than usual.

Narahashi Shiko

The bluenette would just smile wide and tilt his head, hugging the younger girl with thanks. Having a child would be more than enough for him, and he would get ready for a child by taking her to the hospital for routine checks as well as encouraging her to eat healthily. As a father, he would be a loving one and pay very close attention to all needs and wants of his child. Though calm, he would be worried about his child, but encourage them in everything they set out to do.

Sora Gensai

This ravenette has always wanted to have his own daughter, so when he learned (Y/n) was pregnant, he would be more than thrilled. He would swing her around and thank her time and time again. At the same time, he would have the (h/c) haired girl laying down as much as possible, and whenever he is given the inkling something is wrong with his child, he will bring countless doctors over to look at her. For his child, even if it is a boy, he'll cherish it with all his heart and play with it whenever he wants. Often, he will opt to spending time with his baby instead of sleeping. Sometimes, he will cry tears of joy while doing so.

Asuka Chinen

Well, this is awkward. Asuka doesn't want children and she doesn't want some random man's DNA in (Y/n)'s child or in her body. Adoption would be the only thing she would consider, but even then, it's a big maybe.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Surprised, Kazuki would smile happily, trying to hold his tears back. He would hug her softly and rub his thumb on her stomach with a blush on his face. Doing everything he could for the younger girl, he would gently provide without a thought. The blonde would give her numerous gifts all the while and would do the same for his child. Kazuki would also request that the girl be vegetarian for the duration of her pregnancy and ask for a live-in nurse and doctor.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

Considering how his parents treated him, Ichiro would be thrown into a nervous fit about having a child. However, if (Y/n) reassured him that he would be the perfect father, he'd start crying and promises that he'll love the baby with all his heart. He would be nervous for (Y/n), but he would ask if she would be vegetarian until the baby was born. It's a tradition in Vethela and an offering to Ezdia for granting a blessing in the form of a child. Ichiro would do all he could to watch the baby for the (h/c) haired girl.


There's no telling what ??? will do. He would either be displeased with a child and get rid of it or embrace it wholly and love it with all of his heart. It's not the gender or the appearance of the infant that would cause it, it's the idea that having a baby would steal (Y/n)'s attention away from him. He has no rhyme or reason for what would make him love his child or despise it. However, the (h/c) haired girl would be treated like a princess during her pregnancy.

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