Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino: Sweet and Savory

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The bluenette felt the power seep into him every day. Revered as the King of Vethela, he was exalted above any other individual on the planet. That was simply how it was, and he couldn't stop the rush of it all flowing into him like a tidal wave. Servants bowed to him at the waist, nobles catered to his every need like slaves, and his lover never dared look at someone else. Every nerve tingled at the thought, a shuddering sigh slipping past his lips.

He wasn't ignored any longer, viewed as the only person of importance when he stepped into the room. People bowed at his feet, begging pathetically to so much as lick the dirt he stepped on. Why was that power so addicting? He smirked at the thought of it, and occasionally, he tested the limitless bounds of that influence by ridiculing those around him. Of course, he had more sense than Rei, and more mercy as well, but to pay back the humiliation he had endured since he was young; he'd be a fool to give that up.

The bluenette sat on the throne as he watched - with great boredom -a noble licking dog food off the floor. The man was always purposefully encouraging his sons to cut the bluenette's hair. He claimed he wasn't worthy enough to have such important hair. But whatever the reason, his parenting tactics were questionable at best. Ichiro supposed he should have punished his sons too, but the man himself came first and foremost.

It was amusing to see him acting like a dog, stripped of any clothes and exposed bare to the frigid air. He couldn't disobey the king, even if he wanted to. Perhaps in any other monarchy, the nobles would have had more sway over the actions of their royalty, but it was far from like that in Vethela. In fact, going against the monarchy was like going against the goddess Ezdia herself, and was more than treasonous. Their wealth belonged to them, their titles belonged to them, and their entire lives belonged to them. Everything belonged to the royal family and could be taken away in an instance.

A young boy with long silver hair stepped forward from standing by the male's side. Dressed in a white gown and adorned with spotless and blank furs - obviously fake - he appeared not regal, but not plain either, easily standing out among the countless other servants and guards. He gave a somewhat bored and somewhat expressionless look as he turned to whisper in his liege's ear.

"Do you plan to do this to your princess, too?" he asked, meaning nothing other than insinuating the lack of empathy the bluenette possessed for the noble.

However, Ichiro seemed to take it a different way, an eager grin spreading from one ear to the other. His cheeks flared a bright pink as he thought of it, almost purring at the thought. To see her on the ground before him; it was a sight he found himself wanting more than he would have ever expected. Biting down on his bottom lip, he attempted to focus back on disciplining his nobles, keeping them in line before trying to garner attention from his butterfly.

However, the more time went on, the more pent up he became. Moving his hips up as though he could feel the young woman he wanted more than anything else, he gave a frustrated groan. Rolling his eyes, he motioned for one of the butlers to come to his side. Not taking his eyes off of the demeaned nobles before him, he began to speak in a low voice, ensuring that the silver-haired boy was nowhere near close enough to hear.

"Send the maids to ready (Y/n) for me. I'd like her waiting for me on the bed as soon as possible."

The butler gave a nod and rushed out of the throne room to do as the male wished. The bluenette then directed his gaze back at the petulant brats he had for nobles. The one in front of him was not the only one that needed to be corrected. In fact, as he imagined it, he could practically see the line stretching from the throne room to the palace gates. A headache seemed to form quickly.

Tapping his foot impatiently, he attempted to push past the tempting thought of the (h/c) haired girl waiting for him, focusing on his reforms. Looking over the misdeeds and corruption done by the idiot creatures, the male scanned it quickly, scrutinizing it lazily. He just wanted it all to be over and done with, but upon seeing the huge list of things to do, he could hardly stand it. Throwing away his papers and letting them scatter across the floor, he stood up with impatience and sneered at the noble in front of him then to his sons.

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