Their Talents

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Shota Yasojiro

Contrary to popular belief, this redhead is not skilled at memorization, learning, or retaining knowledge. But his talent that leads to his intelligence is the want and desire to learn. He has great ambition which leads to his successes. Shota is also skilled in in-depth drawing and writing as mentioned by Takuya. Though he is mainly a jack of all trades, he has a deep understanding of human psychology even if he cannot particularly speak to others in a normal sense.

Takuya Miyahara

Though he has never had any particular hobbies, Takuya is skilled in marketing and business strategy. His father showed him great affection when he eagerly learned skills he would need in the future. He is also gifted in being romantically creative when it comes to thinking of ways to pleasantly surprise (Y/n), he's able to think of numerous things he can do to show his love for her.

Haru Akahito

Haru is the most intelligent person in any of the books despite his dense personality when it comes to human interaction, especially of the opposite sex. Though he is not intelligent in the typical sense, he's incredibly gifted with a wide variety of technologies. He is highly skilled in multiple coding languages such as Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, C#, etc. and he continues to learn different languages with a high knowledge of mathematics. When it comes to games, he is highly skilled in them, constantly seeking to master them. He is also skilled in robotics.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

The most notable talent of Rei's is his voice. He can manipulate it to mimic other people's voices, reach high or low octaves, have pitch control, and use it to charm other people. Besides this, he is also skilled in multiple different instruments taught by his elder brother. He is able to master anything he puts his mind to due to his need for numerous creative outlets. His charm is natural and he is skilled in cooking, one of his favorite hobbies to do.

Yamato Hisaki

Picking fights was always a major hobby of the brunette, and as per his heritage, he is a master at martial arts such as kendo, judo, kyudo, aikido, and koryu. The only martial art he is almost always surpassed by is at yabusame as he is largely uncomfortable on horses. Yusei makes a point to show his own skill to him as he is far more skilled at it than Yamato is. The brunette is also skilled with a sword, mastering his use of his family's katana, and has a keen sense of balance. He also has a knack for training and disciplining dogs or people although he'll be far harder on the latter.

Akari Otsu

Aside from his skill with a camera, Akari is also highly skillful in maneuvering through difficult terrain. Though he didn't set out to learn the skill, he is a master at gymnastics and parkour, but not in the original sense. As for his love of nature, this blonde rather relishes in growing different plants, learning everything about them he can. What came from this was his astute observation and ability to decipher different poisons or medicines made from plants. He also has the highest pain tolerance, being used to cuts, rashes, poisonings, scrapes, and any other form of harm that would come to him due to his adventures in the wild. Being raised with people in a high-class environment, he is also able to understand the underlying things people want, able to manipulate them with minimal effort.

Narahashi Shiko

Narahashi is a very outgoing person, able to make friends anywhere or anytime with anyone. He makes next to no enemies, being popular with girls and boys alike. Being athletic, handsome, and top of the class also adds to his popularity. He is very fit and has a lot of stamina from being on track, one of the star members of the team. While he can be a leader, he doesn't have a problem with giving the job up to a more capable person and following enthusiastically.

Sora Gensai

Skilled in combat, particularly with guns, Sora is able to do hand-to-hand combat, but unlike Yamato, he is unrefined in it. He created his own style of it, using his strength to defeat others. He is also talented when it comes to doing work that he is often required to. Ensuring his members aren't doing anything against what he stands for or doing anything without his permission is something he is gifted at. When it comes to completing and creating contracts, he is very efficient.

Asuka Chinen

A skilled mercenary, Asuka is skilled in both hand-to-hand combat, double-handed-blades, daggers, and other kinds of weapons, including various guns. She is also able to perform parkour and other impressive feats with great stamina to accomplish assassinations or information gathering. In other terms, she can also lift up to her weight or a bit more. She is able to hold her liquor far more than Sora can, which is impressive.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Kazuki relies on himself to do most everything for the people he loves the most. Thus, over the years, he's collected a fair number of skills in order to do so. Negotiating, hospitality, and management are some of his business skills, but he is also able to put people at ease with his words and his voice. Much like Rei, his voice is soothing to listen to, but it is his words that he is naturally gifted with that bring people to tears or to joy simply by his word choice and placement. Some call him a siren.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

Besides his skill in sewing, design, and fashion, Ichiro has an innate talent for caring for many different animals. If he wasn't into fashion and modeling, he would be a veterinarian due to his love for animals. He can take care of many living things and bring them at ease with soothing touches. Though different, he can do the same for others, luring them into false senses of security and becoming able to influence others to his liking. He also has a heightened sense of hearing, able to listen more clearly and further than others can, leading to his ability to learn the secrets of people that typically ignore him.


Able to manipulate himself, he is extremely dangerous as he can change his personality to make it the best fitting of the situation. He can blend in with others as a leader or as a follower, able to do anything if he puts his mind to it. Besides that, he is skilled in fighting with his special blade and knows how to dispense of a body and throw the police off his trail. But most of his skills lie in the fact that he knows exactly what makes (Y/n) tick, able to charm her or show her pure pleasure with ease.

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