Pet Names

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Shota Yasojiro

As one that has been raised with principles, morals, and traditional beliefs, Shota has very old-fashioned ideas of romance. As such, he likes to use terms of endearment that showcase his noble lineage as well as his deep love for (Y/n). He generally refers to her as "darling", but he will occasionally call her "my dear" or "my lady". There is not much reason for his choice in the pet names other than the fact that he enjoys their proper connotation.

Takuya Miyahara

Takuya enjoys cutesy girls, ones that are riddled in femininity and have a beautiful smile. And while he can be cute as well, he prefers highlighting (Y/n)'s adorable nature over his. As such, he will refer to her as "sweetheart". It is likely due to the fact that his father called him it when he was younger and he came to love the nickname. He also enjoys the feeling of embarrassment it gives him when he calls her it.

Haru Akahito

Though the brunette has only had experience in romance when playing a bishojo game, he does know much from what he's observed in his parents. Their relationship with both themselves and their children is a large piece of his identity, and as such, he's mimicked their relationship, attempting to apply it to his and (Y/n)'s. While this does constitute a large part of his internal conflict in his sequel, it makes his pet names somewhat predictable. He uses his mother's home language to apply his terms of endearment, using words such as "Mon Amour", "Ma Beauté", or "Ma Chérie".

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

This blonde most likely has the most pet names out of everyone thus far. As his mind changes frequently along with his mood and personality, he has multiple different pet names for the younger girl. Among these are "cupcake", "pumpkin", "honey", "sweetie pie", and anything else he can come up with. Typically they are food-related to his love of cooking, but he also likes to think of (Y/n) as a snack or tasty dessert. Perhaps it's also because of his love of licking her or sucking on her neck that he enjoys calling her sweet things.

Yamato Hisaki

This one, I believe, was already explained in Macabre Moonlight. Yamato cannot control or tame (Y/n) without her wanting him to in much the same way a cat might refuse to either lick you or bite down hard. He genuinely adores her stubbornness, but still, despite that, she is still vulnerable and in need of his protection and care. Thus, to him, she is a kitten while he, himself, resembles more of a dog. Opposites do attract in his case, and his pet names typically include "kitten" or "doe". On a rare day, he may call her "babe" as well.

Akari Otsu

Akari refers to (Y/n) as his "goddess", namely due to his home country. Vethela's strong beliefs in their goddess, Ezdia, have influenced him strongly, his love for nature one of the more perceivable outcomes of such a thing. It is definitely true that he sees many similarities between (Y/n) and Ezdia as well, and in some regard, he believes she must also be a goddess. However, it is less that she resembles a goddess and is more that she is someone he idolizes to the extent he does Ezdia (or her descendants)...or is it?

Narahashi Shiko

Despite the fact that Narahashi has known (Y/n) the longest and has the most stories and memories of her, he doesn't have a nickname for her. Why, when he is so playful to her? It's a mutual understanding between the two of them. Throughout his childhood, Narahashi has always been called 'Hashi. While it wasn't something he abhorred, when he heard her say his name with that beautiful voice of hers, he couldn't stand anyone else calling him his full and unshortened name. As such, she calls him Narahashi while he calls her (Y/n). While not entirely romantic, it means more to them than others can perceive. More will be learned about this in Akari's sequel. On the other hand, in some specific situations, he will call her "angel".

Sora Gensai

Sora likes to brag. He greatly enjoys bragging about his wealth, power, intelligence, and especially (Y/n). The ravenette is also keen on showing off his position with her by calling her all sorts of things like "doll", "girlie", "baby girl", even "my woman" when he's talking about her to other people. Typically he calls her things that make her seem cute or small, probably because of his love of innocence or childishness in the people closest to him, such as Emi.

Asuka Chinen

This orange-haired girl has the same reasoning as Sora for her pet name as well, her adoration for the younger girl relying namely on her naivety or purity similar to Emi. This is why she will call (Y/n) things such as "little lamb", "Miyuki", or "duckling". Of course, "Miyuki" is due to her resemblance to her favorite video game character, but either way, it exhibits her love for both of them.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Differing from his siblings, Kazuki typically does not rely on nicknames. He enjoys saying her name as natural things are more beautiful to him. It is also a name that he adores, especially since it belongs to the person that freed him of his insecurities and fears. That being said, he can call her things like "songbird" or refer to her as "my treasure" to others. Of course, in both cases, he wants to lock them up in a cage or chest, but he knows they are more beautiful when seen. The latter, however, refers to the music box she cast him as, and in his desire to be filled with her presence and love, she is his treasure; what makes up his very being as well as his worth.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

Ichiro enjoys making up nicknames for those he loves. Kazuki has become "Zuki" to everyone in the Vethelan castle due to this, and occasionally, Rei becomes "Stingray". And to him, besides (Y/n), there's nothing he loves more than animals. As such, he refers to her as all kinds of things such as "bunny", "dove", "lovebird", or even "butterfly". The last one is due to his perception of them. They are beautiful but fragile, and when one wants to keep it to themselves, it often harms or breaks them in the process.

Ryota Akiyama

Ryota does not know the basics of romance nor does he know courtship, in general. However, he does know of his own feelings for (Y/n) and disregards the idea that he needs to cater to typical norms of romance. He will occasionally call her something along the lines of "My lady", "love", "lovely", or "sweet girl", almost all of which reflect her elegance and overwhelmingly irritating kindness. That being said, he will typically never say any of these in front of her or call her by them. They are more so to refer to her in front of others, but, in the event where he feels threatened by another or melancholy, he will usually call her "love".

Hotaka Ishikawa

Hotaka is very different from most of the rivals introduced. Why? Because he's from an impoverished family and has a different viewpoint of life than the others who lead more privileged lives. Despite this, however, he views people as primarily good. (Y/n), however, tipped the scales, and corrupted up his judgment. The male can refer to her as "sunshine", "my heart" or "aequitas". Each is self-explanatory.

Kota Kita

This male is definitely not in the running for most masculine. In fact, he is at the complete opposite spectrum, far more feminine than anything. That being said, in Takuya's sequel, Kota goes through the struggle of finding who he is as a person, split between his mother and father's footsteps. As such, his pet names are relatively normal, only referring to the way he feels about (Y/n). He may call her something along the lines of "gorgeous", "beautiful", or "my light".

Orion Trewin

Though a crucial member of the royal family, Orion has always been frail. Unable to go anywhere outside the palace, he only found solace in his adventures to the garden. In doing so, he gained a deep love for plant life of all kinds. This is mainly the reason he calls (Y/n) names such as "my rose", "dandelion", "sunflower", etc; because she brings him the same happiness as they do. However, it is also because she exhibits the same beauty and invigorates him with a sense of life.


This male is completely obsessed with (Y/n), perhaps on another level altogether for one crucial reason. As such, he views her as his one and only and vice versa. He calls her "beloved" due to that, but he more so refers to her by her first name. Other than the fact he thinks they're destined for one another, there isn't much else to it. 

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