Chapter 5: Tingles - Part 2

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A week after recovery...

I yawn and flutter open my pink orbs. I look in the mirror at my new face and body. OOP my eyes are pink, I must be in loooooove. It's Mr Wave for sure. I just couldn't shake the thought of him. This fine morning I throw on an oversized t-shirt and forget about the pants. Who needs pants, today I'm going full commando. I put my golden luxurious brown 5' hair in a messy half up half down with loose curls falling down my shoulders. Today I had my geography assessment due and we had to write an essay on how cactuses grow but I decided to be creative and make a diagram so to add to my outfit I am going to wear it all day. To spice up my already perfect outfit I slipped on some pointed green heels.

The morning of the day went as per usual until I went to my locker right before last period

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The morning of the day went as per usual until I went to my locker right before last period. I had noticed more eyes on me than usual but then I remembered that I got major plastic surgery, haha, I'm so quirky and different. As I grabbed out my English books and computer I notice two boys staring at me. Oh my Goodness!!! It was Spencer Reid and Jojen Reed, they are the star players of the high-school baseball team. They are top tier in popularity along with their super cool and hot girlfriends, Charlie and Jaselle. I wonder if I should walk up to them or not. 

My new found confidence pushes me to walk up to them. "Heyyy boys. Let's compare hand sizes." I push my hand against Spencer's first. "Mine are so tiny and small and yours seem so big and large." I hear loud footsteps behind me and immediately turn around. Oh shit, it's Jaselle and Charlie. 

TW: swearing

"Ew, what the fuck makes you think that you can talk to any of us. Just because you bought yourself a new body and face doesn't make you cool or even beautiful, we are naturally stunning." Jaselle says as the girls look down on my small stature like I'm nothing to them. "You will always be the orphan who's whole family died on them. Don't talk to us ever again, or even look at us again or we will make your life a living hell." I stand my ground, fight song playing in my head, and I grab both Reid and Reed's hands and intertwine my fingers with theirs. This was my power move.  

Jaselle stepped forward and slapped me across the face. I brought my hand up to my reddened cheek and swung a punch to her face. The two boys just stood there, both were aware they were noodles so they couldn't do much to help. To end the fight Charlie threw the last punch to me, knocking me down to the ground. 

Soon Mr Fanny came running down the hall. "None of what I saw here was acceptable. Detention to the three of you girls after school in the usual room. I trust you are all familiar of where that is." He walked away leaving me scared. I can't afford ANOTHER detention, although I did enjoy the last one. 

My eye started to bruise so I walked over to my bestie Ronald. "Did your dad hit you Y/N?" I giggled, "Ronald you are so silly, haha, my dad is dead you goof ball." We both laughed at how funny that was and walked to our humanities class. Time to show off my amazing  project. 

I open the door and call out to the teacher, "I'm ready to do my assignment Ms!!!" The whole class started laughing at my comment, I thought they were jealous of me until the teacher said, "Y/N, the assessment got extended to next week and you did it completely wrong. IT'S AN ESSAY" My perkiness was gone in an instant. Now I was mad. My eyes went cinnamon ruby dirt red. "I STAYED UP UNTIL 3AM TO FINISH THE ASSIGNMENT YOU GAVE ME. I THOUGHT I WOULD GET EXTRA MARKS FOR CREATIVITY!!!" I screamed back with my super sonic voice.

"Y/N you need to calm down and sit down," the teacher replied. I grumpily trudge over to my seat and sit madly with my arms crossed. This class felt like it took ages to finish but eventually the bell rang. UGHHHHHH!!! I still have my detention. 

After I pack up my stuff I make my way to the detention room (OL420). There is no teacher and no students in the room so I jump through the window, squeezing my newly thicc body through. I take a seat at the back left booth, staring out the window. After a few minutes I could smell baby powder and grease wafting through the hallways and into the classroom. I could recognise that smell from anywhere and just as I thought Mr Wave hoped into the room, stumbling on his  feet. I take a look at his whole raw glorious body, all the way from his pigeon toed feet to his sexy waves. 

Mr Wave shut the door and took a seat across from me in the same booth. I always loved these classes because you would be so close and intimate with the person in the booth with you. "These detention visits are starting to get a little to frequent Y/N," he said in his deep voice. I longed to hear him call me one of those nicknames again. 

"Well anyways Corny this is the perfect time to start your private tutoring," his big blue eyes stare into mine. I could feel his gaze burning into my soul. I nodded in recognition. Mr Wave handed me some gothic stories to read through as homework. "You seemed to do pretty well with reading rocks, was that because you enjoyed it so much? I think gothic writing is still pretty cool so I am happy to help you after school. Alone."

"Um yea that would be great and I really did enjoy reading rocks. Gothic writing has been challenging for me though." I stumble out. Even with my new found confidence, he still makes me nervous. We sat there in silence for a bit until I finished reading the first story. "Um sir I uh f-finished," I said handing it back to him. Our hands touched and we both lingered there for a bit, electric shocks run through me. It was like fireworks and shivers pass down my torso. I pull back and look away with a small chuckle. I could still feel his gaze upon me, looking over every feature of my face and body.

The afternoon continued the same as before but every so often would would catch each others gaze and then look away. "Y/N are you looking forward to our class excursion to Richmond? I think it will be very exhilarating," Waves asked with his deep commanding voice. "Uhh uh," caught off guard by his question I stumbled to find my words. "Um yea it should be really fun, plus it's right after my birthday." 

He looked at me with admiring eyes and it made me smile way too much. Why does he make me feel this way?  We continued to talk about Richmond until it was time for me to go. I saw Noah standing with his face pressed against the window.  Behind him was a motorcycle, he must have just got it, it's so badass. I say goodbye to Mr Wave (even though I don't ever want to leave him) and run out the school gates. 

A/N: Thank you for reading this far bestiesssssss

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A/N: Thank you for reading this far bestiesssssss. I know it was a bit of a boring chapter but I PROMISE the next one with be amazing. Something you would never expect is going to happen. I hope you all have a lovely day and prepare some holy water for the future chapters.


Beach Waves {Mr Wave x yn}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt