Chapter 4-Whip It

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 I was assigned the task to dance because I was just simply good at Dance. I think I would be considering the fact I looked at the scrapbook that held all my childhood memories. I don’t why I’m looking at. I don’t even know why straight after my second lesson I decided to skip school. Actually I do.

Blame Cassie and Ciana. They have this crazy idea that they think will help me. I’ll explain all of it to you.

After I had finished Dance I was exhausted. No lie, we had been learning this new dance and it was the most complicated street dance routine that  I have ever been assigned. I have been dancing since I was six. Mum forced me into taking Ballet classes. I never really wanted to do it at first but gradually I formed a love for dancing. But ballet was never really my thing so I started looking for other type of dance classes by the time I was eight.  

I was lucky to have stumbled into this girl who was running a Street Dance club. Back then she was starting with little girls to see if she could control giddy princess wannabe girls. She had accomplished her mission if that was what she was aiming for. She was called Tiara but liked to be called Tia, she was about sixteen back then. Tia was an amazing dancer. Seriously.  I would always look at her practise dances for her school team after we had finished each session. She knew I was watching her I guess, because one day after we had finished another club session she had whispered my name. My heart had nearly stopped it’s beat.

I hadn’t known back then she had the same hearing levels as me. She could hear my breathing, my heartbeats from where she was placed dancing.

She turned around and smiled at me. “Tori! So what do you think? Do the steps look good? The Pac- crew and I are in this ‘competition’. Step It Up...”

I instantly zoned out from her rant. She loved to talk. A lot. I loved to talk to just as much as I loved to dance but Tia took it a whole new level and I was just not prepared to listen so I done the next best thing. I cut her off.

“Yeah! What you just said made total sense... Erm I was thinking...”

I never did get to finish that sentence because it was my turn to be cut off.

By a scream.

____________________________________________________A/N:  So sorry for the long wait! My beloved laptop has been under parent arrest so I couldn’t really post anything or reply to your messages cuz my blackberry went a bit dodgy with Wattpad. But I’m back now but if I’m not on that’s because my beloved is under parent arrest! :D The song I’ve chosen is the song for their dance btw. Also that’s the song that I am dancing to for this big dance showcase! :p

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