Chapter 2- Typical Tori

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Where am I?

That’s the first question that I want to come out of my mouth but as my life would have isn’t.

Not a big surprise though looking at the reason why I am in a room that I don’t the name of. I could be anywhere! Oh. My. God. What about if some physco path kidnapped me and put me in a cell to be snacked on by his huge flesh lusting dogs!

Okay now I see what Granny Mara means. My imagination is one wild ride!

I tried to open my eyes but it was as if someone had accidentally spread super glue over my eyelids. It may sound funny to you but believe me it is far from funny. The next thing I know I’m hearing voices. My first question is, ‘Am I Dead?’. The conversation going on around me suggests something different. It goes like this.

Person No.1: When do you think she is going to wake up?

Person No.2: Well she was supposed to have come around earlier. I mean it wasn’t a life threatening situation was it?

Person No.1: Yes but the poor dear is probably suffering a migraine inwardly. It’s not everyday you get knocked down by a random ball whizzing through the air!

Person No.2: Well my dear it seems as if our little patient has woken up.

That had captured my curiosity and attention.  That was until it dawned on me that having your eyes open and having two nurses standing above you would capture anyone’s attention but not your curiosity.

Typical Tori.

__________________________________________________A/N: Soooo sorry for this short chapter! I wanted something out toady but next chapter is gonna be longer and much better! Cheers guys! :D This is dedicated to my fave Northern Irish fan! <3




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