Chapter 3- Playing God

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I blinked slowly before staring at one of the nurses above me to keep myself thinking. Okay so maybe I just wanted to see if this school actually employed pretty nurses like they accept applications from pretty and nerdy girls with cool and catchy names unlike mine.

I sighed. I hadn’t realised that I had made a noise until one of the nurses cleared their throats. I looked at the person who the cough belonged to.

There and then I wished to Heaven and back that I hadn’t looked. I whipped my head back the other way so fast I wouldn’t be surprised if I had gotten whiplash.

I had just murdered my view on nurses. I think it was more like the ‘nurse’ I had seen had murdered it without any remorse or regret. I could literally hear their cry of pain and pleas of mercy...

Tori! Remember about your ‘wild ride’ mind, I scolded myself inwardly. Well I thought I had said it in my mind but it turns out I had spoken out loud without any shame or pain it seems.  

“Excuse me Miss Dylan but are you feeling okay? You seem to be thinking your on a –I quote- ‘wild ride mind’. Have you ever had therapy? I mean-“

Before she could finish I had leaped out of the hospital bed I had just noticed that was what was supporting me. I dashed out of that room as if the hounds of hell were snapping at my feet. I have no idea where my sudden change of speed came from but I wasn’t complaining at the moment in time.

I ran down the hallway which leads from the medical part of school into the main hallway. Or what our Principal likes to call the ‘Foyer’, honestly it’s ridiculous! It look’s nothing like a posh grand foyer. It hasn’t got an arch around it made out of marble stone or even wood! The floor is wooden not a posh slab of marble stone cemented there by some sad young stuck up man who thinks he’s the world’s hottest guy just because he had recently flew all the way to Nigeria’s best plastic surgery clinic for a quick redo of his latest look!

Out of no where my ‘inner me’ decided to make an appearance. To be honest I had never heard the voice before. It seemed to be a girls voice judging by the soft but bold tone.

‘Darling. Okay so I know you don’t know who or what I am... scratch that. You don’t know what you are. That will all be revealed soon. But I do have some advice for you. YOUR RANTING MAKES MY HEAD BUZZ LIKE A BLOODY BEES HIVE! IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE DISSED BACK TO WHERE YOU STARTED BEFORE ARRVING INTO THIS PLANET I suggest you shut your trap. I’m sorry I just tend to lose it when there’s this huge voice going inside my head and breaking my hearing levels. Trust me that take’s skill considering what I am... Anyways ta ta!

As soon as the voice had finished I found myself on the floor kneeling as if I had been forced down into that position. If there’s one thing about me you should know it’s that I don’t like to be forced.

It’s a definitely no no.

 I sprang up from my position.

Lessons were starting by the amount of noise coming from the doors. There’s this thing about me that I find extremely weird. My hearing levels are high. I don’t mean normal frequency I mean abnormally high. I can hear things from far distances. For example when mum snaps her toothpick I can hear it from my bedroom. My bedroom is all the way in the second floor. Sometimes it’s good fun but then there’s the side of it that is a pain in the arse. Another example would be Sheena aka Sheeza practising her ‘singing’ for the ‘local choir’ which I aboustley don’t think even exists.

How do I know you ask?

Go through the churches near my neighbourhood you will never see in the activity log ‘Local Choir’. The only churches you will see with local choirs are the African American churches. There’s not much of those around my neighbourhood unfortunately.  

I dragged myself mentally away from my thoughts on churches and focused on what I was to do now I wasn’t in class. I was debating myself.

Go to class or not?

Yes or No?

Finally I came to a stupid conclusion that I thought I would regret for the rest of my life but as you will come to know soon the reason why is the best choice that I’ve ever ticked. Mentally. I took a deep breath and looked around me expecting-stupidly- my bag to  be sitting there waiting for me to pick it up and sling it over my shoulders. Sadly for me that wasn’t the case.

I racked my brain trying to scoop out the information of my class schedule. At last it came to me.


I smiled happily.

Dance was my favourite subject apart from Drama and English. I skipped off into the hallway that leads to the Dance Studio. As I skipped-literally- along the hallway I skimmed my eyes over pictures that were either glued or stapled on the walls quickly. They were mostly photographs taken by past Dance Teams. There was this one photo that showed last years Dance Team winning Dance It Out Finals. They had been the winners.

I grinned to myself. I was also on the Cheerleading Team but that was only because my Dance teacher had advised me to join to upgrade my predicted grades on my Dance assessments. To be honest it wasn’t as bad as the girls in the Team who disliked the Cheerleaders for some random reasons.

It wasn’t all pomp pomp’s and short skirts and pig tails. They actually used their body in similar movements as we were taught in Dance. I liked it. In fact we were going to enter a state cheerleading competition. I was excited. I was also petrified.

I shook my head and stopped when I saw the sign ‘Dance Studio’. I opened the door expecting a long loud telling off from the teacher. She hated lateness. She says she is ‘training us for life’, to be honest I agree with her. Performing Arts is one of the areas where lateness is totally not accepted.

Instead I was greeted with a, “Lateness is not tolerated in this world of Performance but for you we will make an exception.”

I stared at the ceiling before looking at the man who had uttered those seventeen words.

Just one word.


No I don’t mean the bad meaning of freak I mean, for example, ‘freakishly handsome’. That my friend is what this teacher was. He didn’t look ‘old enough’ to be called a man but his body muscles begged to differ. He was probably at least seventeen or sixteen.

Why would this school employ someone that is too young to get a job as professional as teaching? This is school has some weird shit going on I’m telling you.

As soon as I had broke out from my little thought trance I realised that the whole class was looking between me and this new teacher.

I cleared my throat and asked politely, “Erm sorry Mr...”

The teacher just grinned and chuckled deeply. “Mr Mathews but I prefer being called Jason if you don’t mind. Oh by the way I am your new Dance teacher. Hope you all don’t mind?”

No Mr Matthews we don’t mind at all. Well at least I don’t.

I inwardly jumped and screamed and twirled around as if I was eight.

Well I thought I was doing it inwardly, guess not by the noise that has now filled the Studio. Laughter. Suddenly one girl pointed out something totally stupid and obvious.

“Tori. You have totally just made a fool of yourself. The least you can do is look meek. I mean it’s what God would want.”

She sniggered as if she had just made the funniest joke in the world. I growled. (What is with me?) I’ll bend and break that finger your pointing at me bitch.

Look whose Playing God.

__________________________________________________A/N: I am soo happy/furious with this chapter! I know I done at least two pages- I hope- but I don’t think I detailed it well. I hope you guys comment your THOUGHTS! Thank you! This book is dedicated to _trust_no_player_! I love her to bits and she is a great writer! No shit. Her book has got LOADS of attention and she is going to get more because YOU guys are gonna read her book! :D That is my command! I love this song>>>>




Cheers guys! <3

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