Simply Being Tori

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The names Tori.


Well mum says I got off lucky considering the fact that dad was planning on calling me Thisbe. She told me that the night I was born changed dads mind on the name choice, says that Shakespeare wouldn’t want a girl as tanned as me to represent one of his most beloved female character. Well what I think what he was really thinking was, ‘WELL I doubt old Shake wouldn’t want a girl so plain to carry around the name of his beloved female characters. Name change I think is the solution of our little ‘surprise’.’

Thanks a LOT dad.

He is right though. I am THE definition of the word ‘plain’. Here’s the description.

Black long hair, green eyes and freckles. If that doesn’t sound plain I don’t know what your idea of plain is. The freckles might be fading but I’m still going to add it on my little description.

Where was I?

Oh yeah.

My little check box. Don’t ask why I am doing a checklist. Just go and direct your curiosity towards Cassie. Oh my God! Why cant I have a name like Cassie!? Tori has to be one of ‘the’ worst name in the book of worst names ever. Okay you might be thinking, what is the problem with the name Tori? Do you go to a school called Dive Wood High? Well if you do you will know how many stuck up bitches swarm around the place. Don’t forget about the geeks. But the don’t have names that remind people that they could be six feet under the stars than having to listen to somebody named Tori.

The possibility of being responsible for somebody’s death?


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