Dave rafts away.

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Ena woke up to some soft knocks at her door. She was very tired, so she walked slowly to the door.
"Hmm? Oh hey Dave..."
"I made the raft."
"Raaaft? Wh- *yawn* what time is it?"
"It's about 4:30 am. I worked on the raft all night. I'm doing it now so the crowns don't find out."
"Oh, that's why we're whispering..."
"Very sorry if I woke you up. But we gotta get the others."
"N-No it's fine. Let's get them." They tiptoed through the quiet hotel to Galaco's room.
*knock knock but le gentle*
"Yeeesss? I'm veryyy sleepy..."
"Galaco, I made the raft."
"Oh... reallyyy? That's coool... Arrre you leaving nowww?"
"Unfortunately yes, but don't be too sad."
"Great, now let's go get Tankman." They took gentle steps over to Tankman's room.
*more gentle knock knocks*
"Y-Yeahhh? What is it guys?"
"I am leaving now. Sorry to wake you."
"Nahh it's fine... My dream was nothing special. Just some guns being fired like what I'm used to."
"That sounds... dark."
"It's just war... Now let's go get Deeznuts and Jigglywilly."
"Donut and Jigglypuff?"
"Yeahhh..." They took more gentle steps through the calming, white corridor to Donut's room.
*gentle knock knocks*
(This is irrelevant but I'm actually feeling tired now. Also, I'm basing the corridor off of a hotel I went to when I was a young kid. It was white, had soundproof doors and signs that said "people are sleeping" or something. So yeah rare aesthetic ig: Calm white corridor of a calm white hotel. I'll never forget that hotel. I don't remember where we even were lol. Just on holiday.)
"Hmm? Heyyy guys..."
"I am leaving. Now. The raft is ready. Sorry for waking you up..."
"I-It's ok. Let's go." They took footsteps so gentle I'm yawning (true story lol I love this chapter so far) over to Jigglypuff's room.
*You get the idea. I'm yawning. So hard rn. Anyways some gentle knocks*
"Yes guyss?"
"The raft is ready. I'm about to leave..."
"I-Oh... Ok."
*they make their way downstairs to the dining room.*
"Are you not gonna eat before you go?" Suggested Ena.
"Yeah actually, good idea. I'll make us all some tea." Said Dave.
"Great. There's small shortbread cakes here." Said Donut.
*the Saviours Against Evil have a small little meal consisting of some hot tea and shortbread cakes (just little scones with cream, strawberries and shortbread on them) before going to the beach.*
The water rippled in the darkness.
"Goodbyyeee Daaave." Said Galaco.
"Good luck man." Said Tankman.
"Bye." Said Donut.
"Byeee... It was fun having you." Said Jigglypuff.
"It's sad to see you go. Goodbye Dave." Said Ena.
"Thanks guys, I'll miss you all. Tankman, take care of the group for me. Ena, thank you for helping with the wood. Donut, thank you for helping with cutting the rope. Galaco, thank you for being supportive. Jigglypuff, thank you for making that promise with me. And thank all of you for caring about me. End this game for me." Said Dave. The group had a hug before Dave went onto the raft and started sailing away. The group said their final goodbyes and everyone parted ways. But before Jigglypuff could do anything, Ena went over.
"Hey Jigglypuff, what promise did you make?"
"Ohhh... I promised him I'd prevent death and keep the group safe."
"Thanks for your efforts, Jigglypuff." The two hug before going to their rooms.

5:50 am...
Dave had been sailing for ages and finally...
The gorgeous red (last time it was blue, now it's red) portal was in view. He got closer to it.

 He got closer to it

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