Chapter 15

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Sarah's POV

The trial was today. My dad and the council were to read the charges, I was to tell my side of the story, and Alvin was to tell his then the council would decide his verdict.

Alvin sat in a chair in the center of the arena and the whole village gathered above him outside the barrier. Dad sat in his chief's chair with Shadow sitting beside him glaring at Alvin. My mother was next to him in her chair and I was on the other side in my chair with Lightning sitting next to me who was also glaring at Alvin.

He's going to be guilty.

His punishment better be death.

"Alvin the Treacherous, chief of the Outcasts has been charged with mass murder, assaulting the chief's daughter multiple times almost killing her, and imprisoning dragons. What do you have to say for yourself Alvin?!" My dad said.

"I did what I had to do! All of you are mad!!!" Alvin yelled.

I abruptly stood up ignoring my dad's words to stop, "You shot down my dragon ripping one of her tailfins off! You whipped me numerous times! Your men tried killing my father almost killing me in the process! You declared war! ON ME! You deserve to die!"

Lightning nudged me making me sit down and continued to growl at Alvin.

Dad stood up, "You've quarreled with Berk ever since I can remember. I've gotten scars from your whippings as well. Everyone here can account for your destruction. Do you have anything else to say for yourself before we decide your verdict?"

"I've seen your daughter and her dragon in action. How? How has she survived my whippings? She was smaller than you when you were fifteen. There was no way she should've survived the second whipping." He said lifting his head.

I froze. "That is none of your concern."

"And you, Jon? How'd you survive the arrow through your stomach?" He asked.

I slammed my fist down on the armrest, "I said that is none of your concern!"

People lowered their head murmuring to each other.

"I heard about that."

"How is that possible?"

"Just decide the verdict already!" I said gritting through my teeth.

Please before I blow his face up...

"Wait a minute!" A man shouted pushing through the crowd. It was Svenska. "We've all heard the stories! Why is your daughter keeping secrets Jon?!"

I turned towards Svenska, "Why do you care so much?!"

"Your the chief's daughter! You shouldn't be keeping secrets from your village!" Svenska argued.

Should I show them?

Karena stood up, "I know what you're thinking Sarah! They have the right to know!"

I glanced at my dad then at Lightning, she nodded. I looked down at Alvin who was smiling.

I shrugged, "He's gonna die anyway."

I got on Lightning and she hovered in the center of the arena above the barrier. I lifted the back of my shirt letting all of Berk see my scars. They gasped and chaos broke out. Shadow roared quieting them.

"Lightning saved my life!" I began. "Her saliva has healing powers. When she licks a wound I have it heals immediately! The blood fades away into oblivion and all pain goes away! All that's left are scars!" Arguments broke out. "But! It does not work on other people! Only on me!" I pointed at my father. "Shadow saved my father's life! In almost the same way! I don't fully understand how it happened so I won't give you the details!" Lightning landed back next to my chair. I sat down and watched the villagers with a death glare.

My dad and the council lowered their heads discussing the verdict that may change our lives forever.

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