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One little thing that tends to be forgotten or known to too few people is that black magic items have a special kind of attraction. It is similar to the trace that every witch and wizard possesses before the seventeenth year of life begins. And right now, this could be extremely helpful in finding a person who was very familiar with this type of item.

A simple or common tracking spell would not work, nor would the spell Hunter had used to locate the wizard he was looking for at the harbor. It needed a little modification, because now the search was not for a person whose face was also known, but for magical objects with a dark background.

The first attempt ended in front of a small bookstore that sold antique and rare books. In any case, the building with the store did not look spectacular. First impressions could be deceiving, so Hunter and Gillian entered the old store and looked around, but quickly realized that they would not find what they were looking for here. It was an ordinary store where Muggles go shopping.

There was nothing to guide the spell. A tracking spell needed a clue, no matter how small it was. Something this one could shimmy along and find its way.

After Hunter and Gill left the store again; looking up the facade in disappointment, the question remained, what now? Neither of them needed to say it, but then Hunter kept slapping the back of his hand against her upper arm because something occurred to him, and then tapping his index finger against his wrist. Talking had to be learned, Gill thought, and because she couldn't follow him, she shook her head, whereupon he took her arm and pulled down her sleeve. Still it was not clear to her what he wanted, for the dark mark was unlikely to be able to help them, da.... of course. Black magic probably didn't get much better than that.

"Don't get any ideas," Gill said, as the spell took them both halfway across the city and past the Eiffel Tower, "Definitely no."

"Who says you're the one I'm going to marry someday?" retorted Hunter, chuckling as if it was the most absurd thing Gill had ever said, "If I ever, get the idea, it wouldn't be here, it would be in the catacombs."

"How funny you are again," Gill replied with a fake smile that made Hunter nod, "Your jokes have been better."

The magical trail ended in a busy street where numerous people were hanging out and socializing. Of all the stores, like the bakers, perfumers, or cafes, it was a pawn shop where Hunter's magic gave one last spark. The French equivalent of Borgin & Burke's.

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