1. |☆ it has only just began.

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Let the games begin
Are you ready for it?

...Ready for it?- taylor swift

Tw- mention of rape with a briefly described setting and violence.

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I stare blankly at the wall, i have somewhere to be but i find myself being way to zoned out to do so.

If i buy myself a new ring would i have a reason to actually get up?

Im supposed to be out at the track right now it's a big day, but i have a massive headache because my dumbass decided to go to a party yesterday. Let's just say i had one to many drinks and ended up passed out on the roof, don't even ask me how it happened I'm still questioning myself to this moment.

I look to the side of my bed where my nightstand was, grabbing the advil bottle i had and twisting the cap off. But once I realized i had no water i threw my head back and groaned, i was sitting crisscross at the edge of my bed because i was watching twilight for some weird reason.

Im still trying to figure out why they like that bella bitch so much.

I set the advil bottle back down on my nightstand, putting the lid next to it before pushing myself off the bed. I clearly got up too fast because the world around me began to spin, I learned finally not to walk while it span after my many, many falls.

After a few very slow seconds I begin to make my way to my dresser. I have no clue what i was going to wear, but I'll figure it out whenever i see something i like.

I pull out my first drawer, rummaging through the random shirts i had before finding a pulling out a black blinged out bra i made not to long ago. Since i was going to the track, i need to look and feel sexy.

I blow out an annoyed breath, my head still pounding against my skull as if I slammed it into a wall. I close the drawer before going down to the one below it, digging around until i find my black leather pants.

Once i find them, i throw them onto the bed. But now im stuck with not knowing where my leather jacket is, and that alone is something i will probably struggle all day looking for.

I turn my attention away from the dresser, my eyes darting around my room to see if i can spot it in plain sight.

But my attention trails off when within a few seconds i hear heels clacking the floor, on instinct i look towards the door.

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