At the start of the movie it was slow and boring, Emma felt like there was something off. She felt like it was a horror movie but she brushed it off, until there was a part that looked like it would be scary, so she finally asked (Y/n). Emma leaned into (Y/n) and whispered "Hey (Y/n) is this a horror movie?" (Y/n) faced her and said "Yeah it is." Emma's eyes widened. "(Y/n)! You know I hate horror movies!" She whisper shouted, "I didn't know! I thought you knew since you're the one who asked me to watch this with you." (Y/n) whisper shouted as well. "Well I obviously didn't know- AHHHHH" Emma screamed because there was a jump scare. (Y/n) just laughed silently, Emma slapped his arm and said "It't not funny!" (Y/n) took her hand and rubbed it comfortingly, it seemed to help Emma calm down. He brought her hand up to his face and kissed it but it was too dark for him to notice the dark blush on Emma's face

After a lot of Emma hiding her face in (Y/n)'s shoulder and feeding each other popcorn, the movie ended. (Y/n) and Emma just stayed in the cinema, just talking while the credits rolled. Then there was some classic music playing and (Y/n) remembered their dance party so he stood up and offered Emma his hand. Emma didn't know what was happening but she gave (Y/n) her hand anyways. He took her right hand and placed it on his shoulder, placed his hand on her waist, took her other hand in his and he started swaying both of them. Soon Emma caught on and swayed as well, (Y/n) turned her and started leading. (Y/n) knew how to ballroom dance but from the lack of space he couldn't do some moves so he just turned her.

The song was almost over so (Y/n) leaned towards her but moved his hand to her back so he would be able to support her. He leaned in to kissed her and Emma kissed back, both of them feeling butterflies. They both thought that this was the best kiss they've experienced. As if on cue the song ended when they both pulled away. They looked at each other's eyes, (Y/n) was the first to look away when he remembered they were the only ones in the cinema and they had reservations. He turned to look back at her "Let's go? I got us reservations in that place you've always wanted to eat in." (Y/n) said while helping her up, Emma smiled and nodded, they made their way out of the cinema brining their trash with them so the people who cleaned wouldn't have a hard time.

The restaurant was near the cinema so they walked there. (Y/n) opened the door to the restaurant and Emma went in and thanked him. He went to the hostess, told her they had a reservation under the name (L/n) and she walked them to their table. It was hidden from people since he knew Emma wouldn't like being bothered by the paparazzi. (Y/n) pulled Emma's chair for her and sat down on his. They both ordered their food and talked about childhood memories while waiting for their food, "Remember that time you wanted to keep that hamster you found and you even called me over to show me it, but when I arrived I told you it was a rat and you freaked out." Emma laughed and (Y/n) just huffed. "In my defense it looked like one and when I put it in that hamster ball it rolled it" Emma just laughed and after a few more stories, soon their food came. (Y/n) thanked the waitress and started eating with Emma.

While eating they just fed each other food and Emma did that thing (Y/n) did to her before. Emma was nearing the spoon to (Y/n)'s mouth and when he opened it she swerved and placed it in her mouth. "Now were even." Emma smirked, "Wha- wasn't putting chocolate on my face enough?" (Y/n) complained. Emma just shook her head and took a spoonful of her soup to feed (Y/n). She neared it to his face once again but he didn't trust her so he shook his head no. Emma just shrugged "I was actually going to feed you it but it looks like you don't want it" (Y/n) frowned "That's unfair. Your trick gave me trust issues" Emma chuckled and got another spoonful to give it to (Y/n), he opened his mouth and finally got to taste the soup. He loved it and bought another one for takeout so he could give it Emma since she seemed to really love the soup.

Emma and (Y/n) finished their dinner and asked for the bill. Emma was taking out her money so she could pay for her share but (Y/n) handed the waitress his credit card before Emma could give her money. "(Y/n)! let me pay for my share" Emma said, (Y/n) shook his head
"Nuh uh"
"No. Emma let me pay for dinner, I really enjoyed our date and the least I could do is pay for dinner. Please?" (Y/n) brought out his puppy eyes but Emma just looked at him with a bored face. "Fine but I'm paying next time" Emma said, "We'll see about that" (Y/n) muttered. "What?" Emma asked, "Nothing!" (Y/n) said immediately.

The waitress came back with (Y/n)'s card, receipt and their takeout. He placed a tip and held out his hand to Emma which she gladly took. They were about to exit the restaurant when they saw flashes from outside, it was the paparazzi. (Y/n) tried his best to keep Emma and himself hidden so he didn't know how they found out. They went back in the restaurant not wanting to face them, (Y/n) leaned into Emma "Do you trust me?" (Y/n) asked, "Always" Emma smiled. "Okay then follow me" (Y/n) led Emma to the staff's exit and they finally made it out, the paparazzi trying to spot them in the restaurant, them not being even a few feet far. (Y/n) took off his coat and covered Emma, he ducked Emma and himself and walked them over to the car quickly. (Y/n) opened Emma's door and walked to his side of the car opening the door slowly to not catch the attention of the paparazzi.

Once he made it into the car one of the paparazzis spotted them luckily they were both already in the car but the paparazzis surrounded them. Some of them going to Emma's side, he saw that Emma felt uncomfortable so he was going to go out of his car but Emma stopped him. "Where are you going? stay with me." (Y/n) smiled and said "It's going to be okay. I'll just tell them to clear out of the way so we could leave" Emma hesitantly nodded and let go of his arm.

(Y/n) went out of the car and said "Hey! please stop taking pictures" They just ignored him and kept taking pictures of them. (Y/n) looked at Emma once again seeing her anxious, that seemed to set him over the edge. "Hey! Stop it! Don't you see her getting uncomfortable with all this! It may be your job but that doesn't give you the right to not respect our privacy!" (Y/n) said angrily, they soon cleared out of the way and (Y/n) entered his car. "Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked Emma she just nodded and hugged him. (Y/n) hugged back and had to pull away so he could drive. (Y/n) played a song and even sang to Emma so she would feel comfortable again. Emma just smiled at him and sang along, both of them not giving a care in the world, it was like they were the only ones that existed.

They reached Emma's apartment and it was around 11pm. (Y/n) walked Emma to her apartment. (Y/n) kissed Emma and said "I had a blast with you but sadly, I have to leave it's already 11pm and I wouldn't want to arrive too late at my home". (Y/n) turned around to walk away but stopped as Emma grabbed his arm pulling him back. "You could stay in my apartment. I don't mind really plus it's my turn to let you sleepover and I wouldn't want you to get home so late. So stay? Please." (Y/n) just smiled and nodded.

They walked in the apartment placing their coats on the coat hanger. "Emma where's the guest room?" (Y/n) asked, "Down the hall to the left" he thanked her and walked towards the room. He removed his watch and took out his wallet and phone to place it on the table. He didn't bring any spare clothes with him since he didn't know he was spending the night there, he was about to go on his bed until a knock was heard from the door. "(Y/n)! I brought you some clothes that I borrowed last time when I stayed in your place" Emma told him, he opened his door and Emma handed him the clothes. He thanked her and locked the door to change. After he changed, he said good night to Emma and went to sleep.

He woke up from a shuffling on his bed. "Hey (Y/n) I got a nightmare. Can I please stay with you?" (Y/n) just nodded and made space for Emma. He spooned her and fell asleep with Emma following after. (Y/n) just dreamt about their second date, Emma dreaming about the same thing. It might be too soon but they both knew they were head over heels for each other. It was a wonderful end to their first date.

・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・

(I hope you enjoyed this one! I really wanted to know which oneshot or oneshot series is your favorite from my boom so far, please tell me in the comments. Have/hope you had a great day!)

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