smg4: mario's bed and breakfast

Start from the beginning

mario: here's the tools you ordered

mister monitor looks at him with a smile as it is revealed he is interrogating someone tied to a chair

mister monitor: thank you for your wonderful room service

bob then walks over to a female goomba with hair

bob: hello you asked to see me

we then hear "Karen mode activated" as the goomba starts to complain about everything

bob: please come with me

bob the leads he to a giant vault, he then opens it to reveal it was a karen room, bob then kicks the karen inside and locks the vault, bob and mario once again go for a high five, once again causing bob's blade hand to impale mario's hand

mario: ow

we then see news talking about the hotel

Kermit: our top story tonight, a new air B'n'B has become the top of the town, receiving 5 star reviews and becoming an instant success over night

the TV the shuts off as it is revealed that this was a way for bob and mario to get their friends help

bob: now you know why we need to expand our business

we then see that the people watching were saiko, smg4, boopkins, tari, luigi, whimpu and axol who were all standing up, along with (Y/N) who was sitting on the couch behind them and melony who was asleep next to (Y/N)

bob: help us expand and you get to design any room you want inside

this caused saiko, boopkins, tari, luigi and whimpu to look at each other, mario then whispered into smg4's ear everyone the agreed to help with melony somehow sliding in her sleep and accidentally sliding her head on to (Y/N) lap, causing him to blush ever so slightly so that no one noticed

mario: okay! first lets expand!

we then see meggy's house as a sky scraper appeared inside it

toad: that's a huge bitch

we then see an ad as it opens with a star wipe with the words "bob and breakfast 2" it then shows bob and mario with black bow-ties

bob: welcome you sexy people to the best hotel in the whole god damn world

it then transactions to show saiko at the front desk with a blue bow-tie as we still hear bob's voice

bob: here you will be given first class treatment the minute you walk in

we then see two ducks walk in and speak at the exact same moment

duck: room for one please

saiko the bows to them for a second before ringing the bell, axol then rolled in on the luggage cart, saiko then slammed the luggage on top of axol causing him to scream, saiko the walked behind the ducks picking the up and throwing them at the cart sending the cart, axol and ducks into the elevator as the doors close, we then see melony sleeping on a bed

bob: enjoy our luxurious suite that can fit your whole family

we then zoom out to see the room jam packed with beds, as we transition to see tari holding a controller as her eyes are glowing blue indicating she is in the game

bob: play in our immersive 5V video game VR area

we then see games coming out of the TV

we then see a sauna

bob: relax at our fabulous sauna

kratos then looks up to see a mirror

kratos: why is there a mirror in here?

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