falling angle

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Alec finished his online class and it's almost around two o'clock in the afternoon, he picked a walking stick which was leaned to nightstand and stood up slowly from bed.

He took small footsteps towards the kitchen and opened the fridge to find something to eat. He rolled his eyes when he saw what Magnus made for him.

He took the box and placed it on the kitchen counter and opened it and made weird face looking at it. He took his phone from his back pocket and quickly pressed the dail symbol beside Devil.

"you stupid idiot….you really like torturing me" he asked, his voice clearly saying he was annoyed.

"I love to torture you in so many ways, but I don't want think about that when iam far from you, so tell me what happened, why my Alexander voice sounds like he is so mad" Magnus asked.

"sandwich and fruit salad!...I want something different, come home and make something for me, please" he asked.

"Alexander!! you know I can't come right now, I have an important meeting, after that a surgery to attend. so be a good boy and eat that" Magnus replied and Alec remained silent for seconds then said "I will order pizza".

"don't you dare, iam warning you.... shut up and eat that without any complaints and don't forget to take medicine…..I will come home once my work finished and I will cook anything for you and feed you with my own hands….then kiss you until we both fall asleep, deal?" Magnus said on phone.

"I don't like the idea….no deal" Alec said.

But Magnus can sense the way Alec voice twitching.

Alec liked it.

"I know you love my ideas hubby and please make sure the blush in your face remains like that when I come home" Magnus said and continued "now I gotta go, bye, love you" he gave a kiss on the phone and hung up.

He looked at his phone and battery charge only five percent left, he quickly placed it for charging and went out from his cabin.

"Magnus!!! Magnus!!!" Alec shouted on the phone when the call disconnected suddenly "Devil....ahhhh I hate you so much, you never listen to me".

He put his phone in the pocket of his shorts and slowly walked to take a glass of water.

He drank water and about to place glass on the table, his phone rang. He dropped glass by sudden sound and it shattered into pieces "fuck" he cursed.

He took a broom from the corner and placed his walking stick on table. He gripped dining table edge tight for balance and moved the broom to sweep, to place all glass pieces at corner.

"just little bit, you can do this, you can do anything…." he encouraged himself and gripped the table edge so tight that his knuckles became red.

He moved a bit more forward to sweep and next thing he knew, he fell on the ground and heard a bang sound, a sudden pain in his head and all over body.

He cried out loud, he tried to stand up after a few seconds but he couldn't. He slowly took his phone from pocket and called Magnus.

the phone was ringing but Magnus didn't pick up his call and it went straight to voicemail "ma... M-magnus, ple-please c-come home. It's hur h-hurting….I fell...ahhhhh p-please, pl-please…." he called again and again it went voicemail only.

"Hey how was your day" Cat asked when she saw Magnus in the corridor.

"don't ask me, just now I attended surgery with my seniors and the patient is a six years old girl" he replied.

"Magnus!! don't feel bad, she will be okay" cat assured.

"Sometimes I kinda feel unfair and don't want to believe in god. How it's fair she suffered from heart disease like an aortic stenosis, she hasn't even seen the world" he said.

"hey hey….don't get this into your head, she is okay now. we can't be vulnerable here" Cat said.

"How is your work going" he asked.

"It's okay…. have you thought about our dream!" she asked.

"You know very well, we still need so much experience for that" he said leaning his back to the wall.

"yeah...I know that, but can't wait, that's why" she said and took lollipop from her pocket and gave it to him, he smiled and quickly opened it.

"how is Alec, by the way….I haven't seen him after that night" she asked.

"oh my god!!!" He shouted giving back lollipop to her.

"what!!! what happened" she asked.

"I promised Alec that I will come home early. and it's late, he will be so mad at me" he said.

"oh I know Magnus Bane has charm and he knows how to cool his boyfriend, using his kinky games" she laughed.

Magnus smirked and said bye to her walked towards his room. He cursed himself when he looked at his phone, it's dead, he forgot to switch on.

Author note:
Alec what happened.....💔


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