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"what the hell, who keeps pressing the door…bell….you GUYS!!!"

"perfect timing" he mumbled the last word to himself.

"what are you guys doing here" he asked.

He put his hand on the door, blocking the way and his face certainly looked like he saw a ghost.

"where is my brother" Jace quickly removed Magnus' hand and entered the house.

"Iam sorry we came unexpectedly, Jace worried about Alec behaviour now a days" Izzy apologized entered the house, Simon and Clary followed and hugged him.

"good to see you too Clary" he said breaking the hug quickly. "Alec is not at home" he said acting cool but clearly showing tension on his face.

"Hey there, Alec's room opposite the kitchen, I have seen it so many times in video calls" Simon shouted in excitement and everyone looked at him "what I have better recognition power than you guys".

"I know where it is" Jace replied and walked towards it.

"I told you he is not here" Magnus said following them.

Jace looked around Alec's room and turned back "then where he is, on vacation! oh yeah wild trip with friends or at a party. He is not that type of guy, he is clearly hiding something, can't you see it".

"I don't know where he is and I have to get ready for work, you guys please leave and go home. Next flight is probably soon" he said looking at Jace who was suspiciously looking around.

"I know what to do, we are not living Newyork until we meet and talk to him" Jace said with determined words.

"He is not answering and I have a few missed calls, he called when we were on flight" Izzy said looking at his phone.

"guys it's night we better go and check in at some hotel" Clary said and everyone nodded.

Magnus felt bad not letting them stay, he couldn't risk it, not now when he already had so much to deal with.

"please tell Alec we are looking for him" Simon said and he nodded. "Bye Magnus" everyone said except Jace and he held the door knob ready to go.

"Bye guuu..." he closed his eyes and couldn't finish the word because he and others heard
"Magnus... Magnus, what taking you so long. who came"

"are you messing with me, Magnus!"

"Magnus!!!" they heard Alec's voice.

Jace walked towards the room where the voice was coming but Magnus quickly stood in front of him "that's my room".

"and that's my brother who is inside" Jace shouted, everyone looked at Magnus in disbelief like betrayal.

Jace quickly opened the door "Ma...Jace!!!" Alec looked horrified and saw everyone "Izzy!!".

"Alec what happened" Jace moved quickly and saw his brother's eyes red like his crying the entire day, lips had cuts and legs wrapped with bandages.

"no-nothing I I iam good, what are you guys doing here" Alec asked, he didn't expect this, not in this circumstances.

Jace quickly turned and his face looked so angry "he did, I knew it. How dare you hurt my brother again" he quickly gripped Magnus' collar.

"wh-what! Jace, you misunderstand everything. Let me expl….oh my god JACE!" Alec shouted, he couldn't believe what just happened.

Magnus fell on the ground when a punch hit him on the cheek.

Jace gripped his collar again and his hand in the air, ready to collide with Magnus' face "Jace stop, I LOVE HIM".

Magnus quickly pushed Jace away from him and stood up. "how dare you tricked my brother" he stood up and pushed Magnus backwards.

Alec couldn't let this happen, he didn't know how to stop, he couldn't see them fighting "stop it Jace, ahhhh….ma Magnus" he cried when he couldn't move his leg.

Magnus pushed Jace away from him and ran to Alec "are you okay".

He nodded and hugged Magnus "Iam sorry, please iam sorry"

"hey hey shh...shhh, nothing happened. Iam okay, everything okay Alexander" he assured.

"how can you Alec, he is hurting you, just like he hurted you years ago" Jace asked looking at his brother.

"shut up Jace, how dare you try to hurt him, go away. I don't want to see you. He is mylife" Alec sniffled, afraid to touch Magnus cheek which got punched, his fingers stopped a few millimetres away.

"look at yourself Alec, how can I believe you" Jace asked.

"I said go away, I don't want to talk to you. get out" he sniffled again.

Magnus took Alec hand which stopped moving a few millimetres away from his cheek "calm down" he knew exactly how their relationship is, he didn't want to be the reason for brothers fight.

Jace can't stand there anymore, listening to his brother shouting, he left, Clary and Simon followed.

Izzy looked at his brother in disbelief "Seriously Alec!!! He worried about you. I agree he did wrong fighting with Magnus. But he is scared, you are acting strange and weird every day. Not telling anything to any of us. He planned everything, he came from Paris to LA, then here with us. Just because he want to make sure you are not in any trouble"

She saw Simon entering the room again and Alec couldn't see his little sister's eyes, he stared at Magnus' hand which holding his hand.

"and yet here you are, wrapped with bandages, face like a zombie and Magnus tried to kick us out. right Magnus!" she asked looking at Magnus "he said you are not at home. How can Jace think correctly while you guys playing hide and seek with us".

"Iam sorry Isabelle, it's just I don't want you guys see Alec like this" Magnus apologized.

"Alec" Simon called but Alec didn't lift his head to see them.

"Jace told me to say that he is not going anywhere until you talk to him. no matter what you are his brother and you are always by his side. now it's his turn to take care of you" Simon said.

Alec wiped his tears. "come Si" Izzy said and left.

Simon stopped walking at the door and turned "you should have trusted us Alec, we never keep secrets from each other, no matter what it is. we really... means I really felt bad and disappointed. think how your siblings feel" with that he walked away closing the door.

"What do I do" Alec mumbled.

"Hey this is just siblings fighting, talk to them okay. Don't let it affect you, I can't see you suffer from another attack, please Alec" he asked.

Alec nodded and hugged him "Iam strong, you are my side. I didn't let anything happen, I don't think about it. I will talk to him, he is my brother".

"good, we can do this together" Magnus said kissing Alec's ear and resting his head on Alec's shoulder.

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