The Farmer and the Princess

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Sorry for this announcement, but further updates will be delayed. I will be going on a field study/observation so this book might go in a semi-hiatus. 


To Donna, they are all red and smell lovely; the sign that an apple is ripe and ready to be plucked is when you cup it in your hand and twist it slightly, and it comes off in your hand. It's not ready if you have to yank the fruit off of its branch, or if it leaves its stalk or even a bunch of leaves behind, but that's a little difficult in Donna's case because her super-strength allows her to yank the entire apple off of its branch when her intention is only to give it a light tug.

How does Jon do it? Donna sighed, the whole farm is Jon's practice ground to appear as normal as they can be. "Donna," Bizarro calls to her, Donna slowly landed on the ground and stood next to Bizarro who is as if a mountain next to her. "Donna is good but Bizarro am better," Bizarro said and grinned while he hugs a huge basket filled with apples.

Donna flew and sat on Bizarro's wide shoulder since the Kent kids seem to do it a lot and Bizarro enjoys carrying his family on his shoulder. Donna got an apple from Bizarro's basket and toss it in her hand. "You are definitely better than me in this," Donna replied and Bizarro started walking through the apple orchard with Donna sitting on his shoulder like a princess.

"Jon will teach Donna," Bizarro said to her when they reach the next line of tries they need to harvest apples from. "He already taught me but I still can't get a hang of it," Donna replied and went down from Bizarro's shoulder. "Me teach Donna," Bizarro said and approached an apple tree. Donna got an empty wooden basket and placed it next to Bizzaro. "Thanks, Bizarro," Donna said and she listened to the gray-skinned Superman.

"Hold apple like baby," Bizarro explained and held the apple in his large grunchy hand. "No hurt apple, hurt apple bruise, slow, gentle, and pull," Bizarro said and he was very gentle with the fruit, he plucked the apple tenderly and dropped the apple in the basket. Donna finds it difficult to believe that even Bizarro, who is ten feet tall and wide can do a better job than her.

She squashed an apple on the first try which made her hand super sticky.

"Donna! B!" Jon yelled from the distance and waved his arms like a flag. Donna turns to look at Jon, her black hair tied in pigtails flew to her face delicately as the warm wind of Chase, Kansas blows on them. Jon paused and gawks at Donna; his arm fell to his side weakly. Donna closed one of her eyes and brushed her hair, she smiles at Jon.

He has never seen anything or anyone prettier than Donna. "She's pretty," Jon said under his breath. Clark, who is standing next to his son heard Jon's murmurs about Donna. Clark was worried about his son who is every bit soft when he told them that Donna is officially his girlfriend.

The young Amazonian princess is the sister of Diana but she is so much different from Wonder Woman. Donna has a strong personality different from Diana, she's more outspoken and boisterous. Clark was worried about Jon who resembles and inherited his awkwardness, Lois also infantilized Jon because he is their youngest.

The way that Jon gazes at Donna reminds Clark of himself with his first love. Clark laughs and pats Jon's back supportingly. "She's waiting for you," Clark said to his son and reminded him to move or to continue breathing. Jon scratched the back of his head and tries to hide his crimson face from his dad.

Jon and Clark walk to Bizarro and Donna. "Jonnie-poo!" Donna shouted and jumped towards Jon, Jon automatically caught Donna in his arms. "Hey Donna," Jon replied while Donna cuddles Jon without restraints. "Donna, I'm sweaty," Jon said but Donna only buried her face into his neck. "I like the smell of your sweat, you smell like baby powder," Donna said and Jon's face went extremely red because he did apply baby powder before working on the farm so that he wouldn't smell bad.

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