Two Kents

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Credits to the real owner of the art


Damian is studying the lightly sketched canvas and got a ruler. "You should start painting," Mia said to him who has already placed her base paint. "Quiet," Damian answered her. "You know you're going to be facing Coast City's defending champion right?" Mia asks Damian and it got Damian's attention. "It doesn't matter," Damian replied. Raven entered the art room, both Damian and Mia look at her as she enters. 

"Hi," Raven greets them. Raven walks to Damian and handed him and brown paper bag with Papa Pastry's logo. "Maps, I got you a cookie," Raven said and gave a paper bag to Mia too. Mia looks at Raven like she's about to cry, Mia went down on her knees and raised her arms above her head. 

"Goddess Rachel, you have blessed me with your grace once again! I offer you my eternal and everlasting loyalty, let me serve you!" Mia said to Raven and prayed on Raven's feet. "Mizoguchi, get up, you look pathetic," Damian said to Mia. "Goddess Rachel, why must you date such a horrible being?" Mia asks and Raven chuckled. "What did you say?!" Damian said and Raven held Damian's shoulder.

"I will hit a girl," Damian threatened Mia. "I believe you, that's why I'm gonna bounce! Bye!" Mia said and took the paper bag from Raven, she pulled her yellow backpack from the floor and ran out of the art room. "How's your painting coming along?" Raven asks and stood in front of the unpainted canvas. 

"Slow," Damian answered. "Jon and Donna?" Damian asks. "They went ahead and met with Colin," Raven answered. Damian hugs Raven from behind and leaned his head on the back of Raven's head. "The painting is taking too slow," Damian said to Raven. "How can I help?" Raven asks him and Damian smiles. 

"You don't need to do anything, Habibti," Damian answered and held Raven's hand. "Wait, I have an idea," Raven said and turns to face Damian. Raven runs to the door and looks outside, she locks it and Damian smirked. "It's not what you're thinking," Raven said to him and Damian raised his brow. "Hold my hand," Raven said and led out her hands. Damian held her hand and smiled at her. 

"Take me home to Azarath," Raven whispered and closes her eyes, a purple portal opened below them, and instead of falling in, the portal lifted and took them in until Damian felt that he is no longer stepping on the same ground. They stood in the middle of Azarath, Azarath's artificial sun shines softly down on the broken misty city. Azarath may still be in ruins but its wreck and remains are mounted with plants and moss, and it's covered by a thin fog. 

"Raven," Damian said. As Raven walks her clothes changed into a white cloak, Damian followed Raven. "Why did you take me here?" Damian asks curiously. "I want to show you something," Raven said to him, Rafin came out of Raven's skin and gladly flew. Damian took in the sight around them, Azarath is unworldly. The broken white marbled columns decorated with gold, the skies are deep gray, the grounds are luscious green, brooks and tiny waterfalls trickle on the stone pavements that were once water fountains. 

The city is ominous and peaceful, Damian and Raven climbed the steps into another ruined structure in Azarath. The Temple of Azar, Raven has been quiet the whole time they came to Azarath, and Damian continues to wonder as to why Raven brought him here. Raven used her magic to move the stones that covered the entrance and the way she rearranges everything hinted that she's been here before. Damian and Raven entered the temple and Damian caught a strong whiff of flowers. 

"Raven," Damian exclaimed when he sees the inside of the temple. The broken floor of the temple grew white wildflowers and grass, it covered the whole floor and the flowers are all on the spot where the sun is shedding light from the roofless part of the temple. Rafin came through the temple's missing roof and Raven went to the middle of the room, her cloak brushing on the flowers. Raven lifted and stretched her arm and Rafin landed on Raven's arm naturally. 

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