House Warming

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Credits to Inkydany for the art


Raven yawned awake and Rafin flapped its wings on Raven's shoulder as if it's stretching after a deep slumber. Raven uses her pointing finger to scratch under Rafin's thick feathered neck. Raven walks down the hall and sees that the kitchen light is still off which means that her mom is not awake yet. 

Her mom often wakes up before her but then again her mom came home late last night from work. She opened the wooden bread case and got two pieces of bread, she plugged the toaster and placed the two pieces of bread inside. Rafin hopped on top of the fridge and watches Raven. Raven opened her phone and sent a good morning message to Damian. 

Raven hears their front door open and she waited for the person to enter their kitchen. John Constantine blundered in with a wearied face. "God, Zee," John said and held on the wall from exhaustion. John sees that it's Raven in the kitchen and not his wife, he quickly looks around to search for his wife. "Where's your mum?" John asks and dragged his feet inside. "She's still asleep, are you just coming home from work?" Raven asks and walks to her dad. Raven helps her dad pull off his coat and hung it on the coat rack. "Thanks, pumpkin," John said to Raven affectionately. 

"Yeah, I was investigating something with Jason Blood," John answered and walks to the coffee maker. "Took us the whole evening to morn, the Queen of England turned out to be keeping a cursed painting in her bunker," John said in irritation. "Sit down," John said and pointed Raven to the dining table. "I'm waiting for my toast," Raven said to him and John furrows his brows. 

"Toast for morning? What are you a prisoner?" John asks Raven. "Like hell I'd let my daughter only have toasts for breakfast," John answered and opened the fridge. "Dad, I can make my own breakfast, you just got home from work, you should be resting," Raven said to John. John raised his pointing finger and moved it from side to side. 

"And leave you to make and eat breakfast all on your own? What kind of a papa am I if I let you do that?" John asks and threw a towel on his shoulder. "A sleeping papa," Raven points out. John got eggs, cheese, and milk from the fridge. "Sleep can wait," John said and got a bowl and whisk. "My daughter always comes first," John pointed at Raven, Raven can't help but smile. 

Raven climbed on the kitchen top like she did when she was younger. John cracked the eggs and added milk. "Beat this for me, love," John said and handed Raven the bowl. Raven whisked the eggs while John got bacon slices from the freezer. "How many rashers you fancy?" John asks. 

"Two," Raven answered. "Just two?" John asks and preheated the skillet. "Okay, four," Raven answered. "That's my girl," John answered and used his magic to fire up the stove. John got the toast out of the toaster and placed them on two plates. "Eggs?" John asks and Raven passed the bowl to her dad.

John seasoned the eggs and cooked them on the skillet, he got the chopping board, laid out the bacon on the wooden board, and added cheese on top. "I'm missing something," John said. "What is it?" Raven asks while she continues to watch her dad. "Ah, music," John said and snapped his finger. The speaker from their living room started playing an old song that her mom and dad usually listen to. 

"That song is really old, dad," Raven commented and John hummed to the trumpet and violin. "Cibos praeparare non uror," John chanted. John snapped his fingers and swayed to the beat of It's been a long long time, Raven laughs. John placed his hand on Raven's small back and held her hand. Raven smiles widely and placed her other hand on her dad's arm. John carried Raven down and they began waltzing on their kitchen. 

"Never thought that you would be, standing here so close to me, there's so much I feel that I should say, but words can wait until some other day," John sang and Raven smiles widely as they dance. Their feet moved in a square shape and Raven listens to her dad sing. Her dad is a great singer, he once told her that he used to be in a band when he was younger, and he can sing well even now. 

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