Near Assumptions

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The moment John Constantine enters the shop, a glass container is shattered by the door near his face, the murky contents splattered on the door and some on his coat. "Always a lovely greeting, Xanadu," John said to Xanadu. Xanadu is staring at them from the other side of the room. "You missed by the way," John said and Xanadu clicked her tongue in irate.

"Why are you bringing that demon vessel with you?" Xanadu asks and pointed at Jason Blood. "Because I need his expertise," John answered and wipes his coat. "We need your help," John continued and they walk across Xanadu's shop. "If this is about Merlin~!"

"It's about Raven," John interrupts Xanadu, and Xanadu's expression softens immediately. "How is she?" Xanadu asks in concern. "I was too afraid to look at the cards," Xanadu said to John. "I think we should sit down for this," John suggested and Xanadu easily agrees. The three adults headed to the second floor to Xanadu's fortune-telling salon.

Xanadu used her magic to prepare tea because she cannot be bothered making tea for her two least favorite people. "What happened to my goddaughter?" Xanadu asks while the teapot and teacup float over them. "She lost her powers," John replied and Xanadu frowns. Xanadu is quiet as if she is thinking, the tea is served in front of them.

"Her core must be having a hard time recovering her lost magic," Xanadu said. "Honestly, John, you are truly irresponsible. What made Raven use such a huge amount of magic that she's having trouble regaining it?" Xanadu asks and John fell silent. "Ah don't worry, I know a cure to speed up her recovery," Xanadu said enthusiastically and whipped her hand. Jason drank the tea and waited for John to tell Xanadu the truth.

"Making the potion is easy, retrieving the ingredients will be a problem, but if it's you, then you can do it," Xanadu said to John and a large old book landed in front of Xanadu. "I have the other ingredients here, except for the tooth of a demon flower," Xanadu explained and Jason looks up.

"Demon flowers are killed before it sprouts," Jason Blood said to Xanadu. "Yes, yes, I know because it attracts calamity but they are still sold in pots if you know the right black markets to look," Xanadu said and Jason Blood looks concerned about the flowers. "And a baby mushroom fae. Mushroom faes can be found in the Wales forest. I caught one before, but I had difficulty cooking it," Xanadu said and Jason grimaced.

"You caught and cooked one?" Jason asks Xanadu with a horrifying expression. "You monster," Jason muttered and Xanadu heard what the man said, Xanadu's face contorted in anger. "Those damn little things are powerhouses, they can spike one's powers!" Xanadu argues but Jason truly seems disappointed and angry with Xanadu. "How can you cook it?!" Jason yelled back at Xanadu.

"How? By chopping it up! Sauteing it in butter, rosemary, and wine over high heat!" Xanadu replied with the same anger and Jason is disgusted and outraged. "Let me guess, you caught one too but you were too weak to cook it!" Xanadu accuses Jason.

"It called me papa!" Jason yelled at Xanadu.

"It called me mama too but I still ate it! And it was delicious!" Xanadu yelled back. "You are worse than a demon!" Jason said to Xanadu. "And you are a dolt! Mushroom faes will call you mama or papa just to survive because it knows it will be eaten!" Xanadu explained.

"It clung to my finger and called me papa!" Jason said to Xanadu.

"To make you guilty! That thing will leave you and return to Wales once it reached adulthood!" Xanadu replied.

"Don't talk about Belle like you know her!" Jason said to Xanadu angrily. "You named it?!" Xanadu said in disbelief. "Hurry and eat it while it's still young!" Xanadu pressured Jason. "Or should I go and take Belle from you?" Xanadu said and smiled wickedly. "Belle mushroom soup sounds nice for dinner, doesn't it?" Xanadu asks and Jason looks like he is about to be sick and call for Etrigan. 

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