⚜ Chapter Thirteen - Culmination ⚜

Start from the beginning

"It took a while, but I mastered it." The bright silver hair shimmered under the reflection of the aura. Those piercing eyes like molten silver bore into Vegeta, bringing a new feeling into the Prince's gut. It made his excitement leap higher than ever.

"You never cease to surpass me, Kakarot. I'll get to your level one day... No, I'll surpass you. That is a promise." Goku lowered his stance, chuckling softly as he took in a deeper breath, focusing his attention and letting his expression fall blank.

"I'll be looking forward to your challenge, Vegeta." With that final statement, none said another word. There was no need. The message was clear and engraved into each heart. Held as an oath and promise. In the future, they will meet again. No matter who won, it was their foundation. The constant battle to get higher than the other. Even if they remained universes away, it would never cease to exist. It was simply what made them as they were. Made them Saiyans. One was the Prince of the race that had been brought to extinction. The other was a low class warrior that broke the standards. That had been sent to a planet that turned its back on the Saiyan. Through all the rising problems and battles, Goku had proven far superior. To Vegeta, the warrior was one of a kind. Someone that would hold the respect and eye of the Prince. Someone of importance and the greatest friend the Prince could have ever desired. Goku was simply irreplaceable.

There had been a length of silence as the two Saiyan's held a gaze. Simply scoped the situation. It left a dreaded silence above as most waited. As they sought to reach the end and see the victor. Universe 7 had much to lose. They were doomed from the beginning. Yet, some held a joyful expression. Even if the truth bore into them of their timely demise, it changed little. Some held hope. Others held despair. A few held a newer emotion; content. As for Universe 10, they held such neutral expressions. There was no need for fear. They knew what the Saiyan sought to accomplish and they believed in him completely. Without hesitation, they entrusted everything to Son Goku; their future destroyer and ally.

So when the silence was shattered by a devastating first blow, it brought all to focus on the final fight. The last battle of the match between the best. Each strike from Goku was precise, holding a deep strength that rattled Vegeta's frame. It left the Prince on the defensive for a time, his smile never falling even as he felt the strikes and knew the looming doom. It only made him grin further, knowing this was his desired next goal. He'd strive to get stronger for the day there was once more a rematch. Only Goku could be his rival.

Dodging a strike from Goku, the Prince stepped toward the side, letting a blast try to reach the Saiyan. It was a good attempt, the edge singeing his attire before it shot past, a fist colliding with Vegeta's chest as he was pelted away. As his back tore through the solid boulder, he let one more blast fall forward as Goku closed the distance, catching sight of the blast moments before it went off. The widened smirk of Vegeta was coated as the energy spread, the blast hitting both as Goku was forced away. Vegeta ended up colliding with the ground, regaining his footing as he took the opportunity. Spotting Goku hit the pillar, Vegeta launched forward, his foot barely meeting the other. A hand rested below the shoe, slowing the impact. There was still a show that the kick connected, but it left no real physical evidence.

Pulling his foot back, he dodged a blast from Goku. He let his body drop, rolling as the other slammed his heel where Vegeta once lay. Climbing to his feet, he felt knuckles meet his ribs, hearing the internal cries as a few gave way. Sent bounding backwards, he steadied himself before feeling the presence behind him. In quick succession, he formed a ball of energy, blocking Goku's own blast. The two pressed together, merging as the detonation happened instantaneously. The sudden wave shook the stands as pieces of the stage fell, the impact breaking the ground as the light from both blasts combined, spreading wider. It ate the stage whole, blinding most before the dust rocketed about. It coated the stage, leaving most to squint in hopes to witness the carnage through the barrier protecting them.

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