⚜ Chapter Four - Contentment ⚜

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An entire week. That was how long Zamasu was ensnared by the thought of Goku. The Saiyan had plagued his mind worse than before, haunting him with thoughts so deceiving. He truly wanted to believe there was nothing to it. That he was not fond of a mortal. Such an unworthy being. But the seconds felt like years as the images rewound and washed over him, forcing his hand on the matter. Every day was beginning to be taxed and it weighed on him. Made him stumble and ultimately feel helpless. Whether it was adoration or something else, he found a partial hatred for it. For the subtle warmth that strolled around his being whenever he remembered such cheerful smiles. Such a charming voice. It all left him weak. He wanted answers, but didn't desire the effort or lengths he'd need to go to receive them.

Lingering around his own chambers within the Supreme Kai's residence, he found himself falling onto the comfort of his mattress. The sudden softness left him at ease, but also corrupted his own thoughts. Made the Saiyan reappear before him. To think endlessly of someone was one thing, but imagining them before the other was a whole new meaning. The faint sounds of footsteps drew the Kai's gaze, his eyes widening as the appearance was ghostly. It seemed so fake, yet his heart tightened at the idea of the Saiyan. To imagine they were truly before him. He sat up, letting his eyes meet a stern, yet calm gaze. That tanned skin, so muscular and well kept. Black hair like midnight seemed to sway, as if a draft was present. It made the Kai rise from his spot, his feet taking a single step before he dared to reach out. His heart hammered away, filling his mind with a steady melody the closer his fingers got. It allowed an excitement to bubble up, leaving him breathless at the serene image before him. The figure he was so lured in by. So intoxicated that it made his mind muffled. How he desperately felt a need to grab on, to never let go. To hold that warmth from this adoration deep inside his empty heart. To melt the hatred with such a divine emotion.

He let his fingers remain just inches away before the image shattered, as if glass recently dropped. It faded from existence, leaving his heart to sink. To know the reality of everything. That Goku was not before him. It made his body shutter as his eyes closed, hearing the soft knocks beyond the entrance to his room. Zamasu fell back onto his bed, sighing low.

"Come on in." The door shifted open before a familiar face offered a small smile. Gowasu had carried with him some tea, to which he placed just beside the other.

"You were not around, so I made something to calm the soul. You seem more troubled today, Zamasu."

"I feel I've fallen. That my mind is in mayhem over these thoughts and emotions..." Gowasu hummed, taking a seat beside Zamasu.

"Is this about the one you've become drawn to?" Once the other had offered a simple nod, it pushed Gowasu to speak once more. "You know, Zamasu; these feelings are something you will eventually place. Give it time and I assure things will work out."

"What if I do not have all the time you speak of? Mortal's have a limit to life, so it plays a heavy part. To know that there will never be enough time." Gowasu widened his gaze, keeping silent. "I feel so drawn to the mortal, but fear that even with the time available, it may not be enough. I am still conflicted, after all. But also so infatuated that it affects me greatly. Hinders me at times."

"Is this mortal perhaps the one that paid a visit a while back? He is the only mortal you've met recently, after all. I believe his name was Goku, if memory serves me right." Zamasu nodded, taking the tea as he sipped it slowly. His downcast expression left Gowasu conflicted. He adored his own apprentice. Treasured the progress they had made. Truth was, Gowasu wondered who to thank for the change in Zamasu. Where there once was a raging storm, it had become something tamed. The apprentice Kai's own heart had lost the dark glimmer that haunted it by the day. Releasing a low sigh, Gowasu glanced to the ceiling, beginning to speak softly. "Mortal or not, one can always make time. While it is precious, it is also a gift. Having infinite time is worthless. I can tell this mortal has affected you, so act on it. What do you desire, Zamasu? Tell me."

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