Chapter 10 space mall

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Coran sighed, "Look, you're the only one who can operate the Castle. You have to be resting, after everything you've been through."

Allura dropped her shoulders in disappointment, as I gave a huge laugh, poking fun at her bad luck.

"Now let's prepare a capsule for our mission" Coran said walking to the exit "We have to go in, find the scautrite lenses and get out"

"Shotgun!" Lance called out as he ran after Coran

"What? No, you have to be in the pod bay to call the shotgun" Hunk said as he ran after the two

"Since when?"

"Uh, since forever? That's a shotgun tag! I wrote the book."

I was about to follow them, when I noticed Ally a few meters behind me, ready to follow me, so before taking another step, I stopped her in her place and took her to my seat "Ally, you will stay here."

"What!? But... "she started to protest

"No buts, I won't have time to take care of you if I'm keeping an eye on those assholes, last time they barely managed to survive without me, so you stay here." I explained, placing her in my place.

"I lived 10 years in a Unilu Moon, I can accompany you, I will not be a burden" Ally insisted, but she needed more than that to convince me

"I don't care, this is not up for discussion, miss and if I have to chain you to this chair so that you obey me I will, but you are not going to go on this mission and if you follow me, I swear by the stars: That i will take it by the ear and I'll drag you back to the castle, do you want that?" I threatens her severely, placing my hands on my hips

Ally was silent touching her ears as she remembered the last time she disobeyed me and nodded, accepting my orders 

"I thought so, now whatever you do while I'm gone, don't touch my things" I said one last time before stepping away from her and silently approaching the mice that were standing on the bridge's central computer.

"I want you guys her to keep it very well watch, okay?"

The mice nodded in confirmation and I finally followed the paladins to the capsule, looking one last time at Ally, who had an annoyed and sad expression on her face, as she gazed at the stars.

I sighed in annoyance and continued on my way "children" I complained silently

(Time jump)

We were flying for a while, Hunk, Keith, Pidge and I stayed in the back of the capsule, while Coran and Lance were in the front, manning the ship.

"Where is Ally? Lately he has accompanied us on many missions "Hunk said, noticing the absence of the red-haired girl.

"I ordered him to stay in the castle, surprisingly he obeyed" I explained, crossing my arms

"Why didn't you let Ally come? She seems very capable of taking care of herself, she has lived for 10 years on a Unilu Moon after all. "Pidge asked, arching an eyebrow.

"First: I want to be more than two centimeters away from her, thank you very much, Second: she is exactly 10 years old, she is at that stage where she is curious about everything that surrounds her and since she is a girl who only lived in only one place all his life, obviously he wants to explore, he did it in Olkari and now she will do it here and I don't want him to get in problems" I said, closing my eyes in annoyance

"So if you care about her," Keith said, grinning with amusement. I snapped my eyes open and looked at him quickly

"No!"I screamed, instantly denying her assumption, it's amazing how her annoyed and insufferable gaze was so much like Ally's "I couldn't care less! She is an irritating little girl who never leaves me alone! Obviously I don't care about her! I don't want her to be separated from the group and then have to come back for her, that's all! "

Voltron, the legendary defender and the lost empressحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن