Chapter 2: Remember Me?

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I wanted to take the pathetic, lunatic way out and give a smile and awkwardly walk away.

But, as I turned around he tapped my shoulder, I froze, unable to make a movement, my body slowly turning around, starring at him.

Suddenly, it hit me.

I remember that I've actually saw him before.


I tried to think...who and where have I seen him?

And how have I not thought of this since I was starring at him for a good five moments.

How fucking embarrassing.

I think he recognized me as well, his smile slowly fading, furrowing his eyebrows as he looks at me carefully, "I know you, right?"

He says in a confused voice, he says it as if he knows who I am but just need confirmation of this.

I tried to act like I knew who on gods earth he was.

I knew him, but from where, that's where I'm lost...

I slowly nod my head, "I'm Camila...Camila Richelieu." I try to say confidently but obviously was making a compete fool of myself.

Note to self, stop trying so mother fucking hard.

I wait patiently as he says his name, "Zayn Grey." He says perfectly in his sweet British accent.

Making my own words seem BEYOND embarrassing.

He said his name without hesitation.

As if the whole world should know it.

I melt as I hear his name, my heart beating like never before, I smile awkwardly in hopes he can't tell how sensationally nervous I am, at this very moment.


I remember him...

He used to put dirt in my hair. This mother fuck-

"My brother, Alex, used to watch you, right?" He says with a soft chuckle, cutting my thoughts off.

This bitch, he probably fucking remembers it, too.

I nod my head, remembering every Saturday afternoon 'til nights at the Grey Mansion.

The eldest will always watch after when my family were alive, and a few years after.

He was beyond warming and always made sure I had everything I needed, and told me one of the best stories so I can sleep without nightmares.

It was beautiful.

He looked almost like Zayn, but not quiet. His elder brother was much more goofy and loved to make others laugh.

Zayn, was never like that as we were children. He was the most serious seven year old around the block.

Which you don't hear ever.

Zayn's parents died when the youngest of them were just a few years old.

"Yes, and your two sisters, Eve and Ashton, right?" I say trying to make the same tone of voice as Zayn once did.

Trying to at least show how more mature and confident I can be.

Almost succeeding.

Yet, still failing.

Good work, Cam.

He nods his head as he laugh softly, " Right. So, what makes you stop by and try to run away like a little coward." Zayn says in a jokingly voice, trying not to laugh.

I roll my eyes as I laugh softly,

"Actually, I was going to ding- dong ditch you but, you ruined the fun. So, thank you for that. I have to go though."

I didn't want to leave but... I don't want to die...

I mean, I hate my life and all but death is not at my doorstep, yet.

His face quickly turns into a frown as he shakes his head, "You can't go, would you like to hang out?" Zayn says a bit awkwardly as he smiles cutely.

I had three choices:

A. Get chopped into little bits and fed to a bulldog.
B. Yolo this moment out and if I die, God planned it out wonderfully.
C. My organs sold on the black market
I choose B.

Let's hope I won't regret this.

Dear Lord, don't let me die.
Thank you.

Ps: let there be food because I am HUNGRY!

I couldn't resist that fucking adorable smile, so I nodded my head.

Who can?

It was ear to ear.

Warms my heart.

It caused me to tingle a bit.

In a good way.

The only thought I was left with was, if he kills me, thank God he is hot.

Because I wouldn't even get in here if I wasn't attracted to him, man.

How is it so far? I hope you all enjoy it, just a few people read this and I'm thankful. Thank you guys, I love you all. Mwah! 😘😘

Broken and HealingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon