Making a New Plan

Start from the beginning

"Yes, please."

"And you can use my studio whenever you like. You already know the password."

"Min Yoongi genius producer is going to give me lessons and let me use his studio?! It's a dream come true! I feel so honoured!"

The rapper ignored her teasing and continued.

"You should ask Namjoon to help you with your lyrics. Everyone knows he's the master of words."

"The poet."

"Exactly. He'll also be able to help better with any English lyrics."

"That, and everyone needs to help out in the make-Anna-an-Idol plan."

Despite the humour in her voice, Yoongi regarded her seriously.

"That is what you want, right? I assumed that's what you meant by showing me your music."

"I've been asking myself that question all week, but after talking to you all today... You make me feel like I could do it."

The pair spent the next few hours working on what Yoongi had dubbed her debut album. It seemed a bit premature, and kind of surreal, but Anna went along with it anyway. It turns out what was missing from the songs the rapper had been working on was a little bit of Anna. With her ideas for small changes and additions, Yoongi was finally happy with his work.

Now that she had spoken to each of her soulmates individually, it was time for a group talk. There were a lot of hugs and kisses, and a few tears, but they finally talked it all out. To be honest, she couldn't be mad at them for wanting to help make her dream come true, and after having some time to think it all through Anna felt differently.

When she told them her decision to allow their plan to continue, they were all very happy and promised that she was in charge this time. Which was lucky because the next day she was called into Hitman Bang's office. She arrived at the same time as Namjoon, who also had no idea why the big boss wanted to see her, but when they entered the man greeted them with a friendly smile.

"Hello Namjoon, Anna. Please take a seat."

"Hello, Bang PD-nim."

"I'm sure you're both wondering why I asked you to come and see me today. Well, I saw your latest YouTube video, Anna. Have you seen it Namjoon?"

"Not yet, Sir."

"Ah, well, it was only released today. In any case, I was very impressed."

He smiled kindly at Anna, who was trying to process what the producer was saying and where this could be heading.

"Thank you...?"

"Here, why don't we watch it so Namjoon knows what we're talking about."

He turned his computer screen around so that they could see and played the video. As soon as Anna started singing, Namjoon turned to her.

"You did a cover of a Korean song?"

It wasn't the song she had been expecting. After recording Stay With Me, the staff had asked her if she could record her original song choice, ALWAYS, as well. She didn't know why they went with the latter song, but she assumed that they hadn't found anyone to do the rap part for the former one.

"Of course, I did."

"I've watched some of your other videos as well. Your dancing has come a long way, and the staff have also given reports of how impressed they are with your improvement over the past two months."

"Really? I mean, thank you, Sir."

"Have you guessed what all of this is leading to?"

Anna shook her head, but Namjoon smiled.

"Yes, I believe I have."

She turned to look at her soulmate who was having a silent conversation with Bang PD. The two nodded at each other and Anna looked back at the producer as he began to speak.

"I called you here today to offer you a place as a trainee at HYBE."

Anna barely heard what the man said next. She was lost in her head for a moment as she processed what she had just heard.

"You would join the classes with our other female trainees. Singing and dancing mainly, but also other training such as interviews, acting, and modelling. However, as a solo artist, your training may vary slightly from the other girls. You will, of course, continue your YouTube channel, your fan base is already growing quite well. "


Her focus was brought back to the room when Namjoon rested his hand on her arm.

"Of course, this means you won't be able to continue your job here. I've had glowing reports from your colleagues there as well, so I'm sure they will be sad not to have you working with them."

"I'll miss working with them as well. I... Thank you, so much for this opportunity Bang PD-nim."

"You deserve it, Anna."


Do I, she wanted to say.

"It's okay. Go ahead and ask your question."

"I don't mean to sound... ungrateful, but I just... you're not just doing this because my soulmates asked you to, are you?"

"I'll admit I may not have offered you this opportunity if they hadn't brought your talents to my attention. I suppose in a way I am inviting you to be a trainee because you are their soulmate, but not in the way you're thinking."

"Bang PD -"

"Let me explain. You're their soulmate for a reason. BTS broke the music world because the seven members are so special. So, it would be silly of me to assume that their soulmate wouldn't be able to do the same. Don't you agree?"

Anna didn't agree. Bang PD was making it sound as though she could have something near the same success as BTS, which was absurd. Either way, she wasn't going to argue with her boss.

"I do. Anna has something special too, and the whole world should get to see it."

When she turned to look at her soulmate with disbelief, Namjoon was gazing at her with such adoration that she immediately melted.

"I look forward to seeing your progress, Anna. Perhaps, we can schedule some regular meetings, just to check-in and see how you're getting on."

When they left the office, Anna immediately began crying. Namjoon started to panic until he saw the smile on her face. They were tears of overwhelming joy. He took her in his arms and hugged her against his chest while she calmed down.

"Joonie, it's really happening."

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