August Disgust

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...HOUR call!!!!!

At first, I happened to be very time conscious, as minutes passed I immersed myself in the conversation. The extent of the call could not have possibly been due to the fact that I had intentionally fallen off-grid for a full 5 and a half days. The day I came back on he was not the first, but among the list of calls, I had that night. I never looked into it, but he was the last one I called of the three back-to-back catchup phone calls I took. Now looking back, maybe I just wanted to hear his voice last, just to reminiscence the scent of his voice and make him a part of my night since I missed him so much. 

The daytime swiftly passed by me, and to my surprise, I thought of calling it an early and undeserved night of sleep. I did not want the nothingness of my day to get to me, so I start crying plus panicking.
"Hey you" of course he had to use what I think is the most cutest way of addressing in order to demand my attention. I reluctantly answered the others, but instantaneously sent hearts to my Present. At this point, I started to blame hormones. 

He demoralizingly made me wait for his response. I saw myself heading to sleep, and the human did not bother to continue his energy after the GREETING. In my kindness and gentleness, I called to let him know that I wanted to head to bed and bid him goodnight. Did that work? Yes, I'm asking you! DID THAT WORK!!?? 

The correct answer is no. If you answered yes, then you did not read the first word of this chapter *shaking my head.* Only the Lord knows what drove the talk in the first few hours. All I know is that once it passed 2 hours, I wanted him to stay on. I wanted his breath to last on my shoulders. I needed his voice to sing me to sleep. I craved to listen more to what only he had to say. 

"BEEP" went the sound of freakin' connection cutting our silent period out!! Hashtag angry face emoji times 100. Precisely 3minutes 43seconds before my precious call clicked 3hours. Obviously, I had to call again, this marked the only time I had a constant period of calmness and laughter. This second chain of chatter lasted 12 minutes before the devil of connection cut us off again. This time my sweetheart called back. I do not recall which one of us needed to finish saying something, but once we did, I had to let him sleep. He's a sleepy child, and I fancied that. It helped regulate the length of talks we'd have. It also helped me not have to repeat stupid things he did not hear. So although I wished to keep him on the call the entire morning, my thoughtfulness had to let him go. 

That's when I asked him to pray so he sleeps and I start working since it was approximately 20mins before I had to wake up. He bluntly refused, but I halted my forceful asking. Not because I did not want him to pray, truthfully I still did, but because my brain finally understood that my hours of happiness were coming to an end. Composing myself so that he would not hear my ferocious tears yelling to escape, I bid him goodnight, without waiting for a response I evaded the call. 

I allowed myself to feel that breakdown, and minutes later opened my laptop to do something productive. Staring at my blank page my tears turned into cats and dogs, and what I thought was breathing turned into gasping for air. I opened my call log. Hovered over the call button to hear his voice as a calming stone, but did not manage. My pride pushed me to call my girl, who never picked up. It rang, rang and rang....but no response. I then tried to look at my document again but still, my eyes could not withstand the weight of the cats and dogs. Henceforth I called Present again...  

"What's up?" he typically asked. 
"Uhmmm...." I sniffed. 
"What's wrong?" he then questioned with worry. 
"Can you tell me it's going to be okay? I just need to hear that from somebody." 
"'s going to be okay Liz. Don't worry, you'll be alright." He made all efforts to say with so much love. 
"Thank you," I cried.
"Will you be alright?" He queried in his deep mellow morning voice. 
"Yes, I will don't..." I paused, "...worry, you need to sleep."
And what seemed like 2seconds lasted precisely 2minutes 30seconds. To be honest, I should not blame him for cutting the call, but what hurt more than losing my happiness that morning, was that my best friend left me to cry at 3:42 in the morning. I thoroughly hated him that day. And how I got over it?
Well, we finally talked it out...

Remember this occurred on August 24th, not much can happen in the last 7 days of August, right?

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