August in Dust

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If only all was fair in love and war...

Turns out August 24th, was in fact a Tuesday. The week had just begun. My Tuesdays are the longest of all days, so avoiding Present was such bliss and easy goal. I got back from school at 4 pm, and cooked, cleaned, watched TV and even slept. I finally stopped by WhatsApp later that night. It's not that I did not want to speak to him, but I would have preferred not to talk to him for some time. That plan flushed itself down the toilet. He texted twice and asked how I was, and as an obligated best friend I replied. Sooner rather than later I bid him goodnight and turned off my wifi connection. The day was over, right?

In technical terms, the night was over. The clock struck midnight, and Tuesday closed. To be honest, I had no reason to stay up that night, so why was I checking WhatsApp at 2 AM? I replied to all pending messages, then there it was, a text from you know who. At that very moment, thoughts of yesterday's cry session flooded back to me. At first, I left Present's text on blue ticks, but the guilt of betrayal led me not to reply, but to call. 
"What's up?" is literally his mojo of greeting once he picks up a call. The dude couldn't be normal?
"Just awake sitting, " I replied, in the tone, I knew he'd figure out there's something wrong.
"What's wrong?" He asked through instinct.
You know, at this second, I desperately wanted to blurt out how distressed I was for him leaving me whilst I was crying. I needed to let him know, at the tip of my tongue lay the words of disgust. "Nothing is wrong, just thinking of how bad my day is going to be since I have two Chemistry periods." 
"Are you sure?" He questioned.
"Yes, that's it," I laughed knowing I indeed was not sure. 
"Well, that's okay. You know you don't like the subject, so don't stress, this is normal." As he spoke those words, behind my smile tears filled me up though unlike a regular balloon I just enlarged like a hot air balloon. Minutes of nothing of the value passed by, to later hear him yawn. Since I'm such a considerate person, (not that I just wanted to watch a romance movie to feel better) I told him to sleep. "I know I can last without sleep, but I do not need you to stay up. The call has only been 15mins, but I'm glad it brought you to sleep. Goodnight, Present," It's not like he could oppose my subtle command. 

So yeah, I did watch that romance movie, and no, I do not remember its name, I legit watch 6 of them a week. Woke up, a normal morning of Dad yelling for us to get in the car. I just had no energy for Chemistry, I mean who does? The day passed on. I had a terrible Wednesday, leading me to despise social interaction. I deliberately did not reply to people who would ask me how I am. The main reason I never wanted to let him know what happened that day was that I knew EGGZACTLY what the boy would say to my venting. Then Mr Flippin' On-Time Texter, says as a matter of fact let me just show you:

 Then Mr Flippin' On-Time Texter, says as a matter of fact let me just show you:

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