The Ties that Bind

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AN: Well Hello Dears this one goes out to my love and sister wife Luna. Who fell in love with my first series that I ever wrote on here. Lipstick This is a preview into Sebastian and Blossom's married life. So I would suggest you read the series before this drabble but it is not truly needed.

This is a little drabble well a bit longer it is 720 words.

It has been six months since your destination surprise wedding. Hope, Sebastian, and you are at home now relaxing. You are starting to show with baby number two. Sebastian has been over the moon throughout this whole pregnancy. You on the other hand, you have been so sick throughout the whole pregnancy so far. It was interesting how Hope took it. Sebastian had been the one to actually tell her. He set up everything perfectly. The three of you had gone to the doctor for your weekly update. It was the first time Hope went with the both of you. She heard the heartbeat and the baby on the ultrasound monitor. She looked confused at you. When you were about to speak to her Sebastian cut in. Princess, you know how your mamma and Tia are sisters? Hope nodded her little head making her dark brown wavy hair move. Mamma has a baby in here He places his hand on your lower abdomen where your womb is located and then points to the doppler that the ultrasound technician held. That is able to look inside Mamma and it shows on this little screen here and see this little outline? He reached out to circle the formed fetus. That is the baby that is growing inside Mamma. You are a big sister. Like how Mamma is Tias big sister. The whole interaction melted your heart. Sebastian taking the time to explain to Hope what is going on. At first Hope didnt really react. Mostly telling her was the first step. She understood the differences in you how you where now more sick and tired. As you started to show few months in is when Hope really started to understand what was going on.

Sebastian was completely torn. He wanted to dote on you and make up for what he couldnt do when you where pregnant with Hope. But also, he knew he needed to reassure Hope that she wasnt being replaced by the new baby. You had been doing an amazing job at being there as you always where for her including the new pregnancy routine you had. Hope was an integral part of it. But when it came to him Hope was hyper aware of how much you kissed, touched, and talked to Blossoms tummy. So much so whenever he got close to you Hope would go in a full-on tantrum. Knowing that it was hard for him to try to separate his time between his two children. He knew you tried to help but he didnt want that. He wanted to be able to reassure Hope that she wasnt being replaced. He also wanted to be able to Dote on you to the fullest especially right now since this whole pregnancy you have felt horribly. So, he did what he always did when Hope needed her dad time. They went out to the park had a little date. While you stayed home resting and relaxing. He had sent flowers, favorite food, the weird cravings you have been having, and lastly, he sent over a masseuse to help you fully relax by the time the both of them came home. They went upstairs and saw you sleeping on the bed. Instead of taking Hope to her room he decided to talk to her by the bed next to you. Princess, you know both Mamma and I love you very much. The new baby is not taking your place. Know that Dada love you so much. How about we both give the baby a good night kiss? Hope looks up to him eyes pleading and holding back a little pout but she nods her head. He carried her to and let her get onto the bed and he went to the other side of you Hope and Sebastian both touched your baby bump waking you up. You where able to look down at the bump to see the both of them placing a kiss on the bump finally your whole family all together in one place and time. You have never felt so much love burst from your chest then at this moment. Your baby growing inside you, your princess next to you and your Husband on the other side your little family that you never thought you would ever have.

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